Meetings (Agenda):

Meetings (Agenda):

Meetings - tentative list

See all recordings on the Working groups google drive folder: Recordings (May - July 2021)

Scheduled 10/10 meetings:

DateAgenda itemsPresenter

Tentative Agenda:

  1. Review UX mock up for display of instance, holdings, item in Short display

  1. Work through our list of misc. UI Improvements

Tentative Agenda:

  1. Review UX mock ups of various result list displays and sorting idea

  2. Talk about move of items to a different holdings, and move holding/item to another instance

Suggestion. We replace Filip's display of the holdings accordion to be looking like the holdings accordion we know today, but placed below the short summary description of the instance summary - see new UX mock up: 



  1. Review Kimie's UX work

Story - Created by Jira Software - do not edit or delete. Issue type for a user story.UX-446 UX: Updated instance record on inventory result list

Story - Created by Jira Software - do not edit or delete. Issue type for a user story.UX-447 UX: Updated holdings record on inventory result list

Discuss/Review navigation and expectations when 

2. search for specific holdings - e.g. holdings identifier 

      1. expect to see
        1. all holdings, in the result list, and then the given holdings being unfolded, or
        2. only the given holdings and this one displays unfolded (precision)

3. search for specific item - e.g. item barcode

      1. expect to see
        1. all items, in the result list, and then the given item being unfolded, or
        2. only the given relevant item and this one displays unfolded (precision)

4. Elasticsearch being able to support precision and display as discussed above 

5. Question: Do we want to keep the MCL as an alternative option (only displaying the instance data) - or should it be deprecated?

And if time permits:

6. Talk about move of items to a different holdings, and move holding/item to another instance



 1. Planned UX work 

UX-435 umbrella issue:

Story - Created by Jira Software - do not edit or delete. Issue type for a user story. UX-446 UX: Updated instance record on inventory result listDelete this link

Story - Created by Jira Software - do not edit or delete. Issue type for a user story. UX-447 UX: Updated holdings record on inventory result list

Story - Created by Jira Software - do not edit or delete. Issue type for a user story. UX-448 UX: Updated item record on inventory result list

Story - Created by Jira Software - do not edit or delete. Issue type for a user story. UX-449 UX: Sort by values for updated inventory result list

Story - Created by Jira Software - do not edit or delete. Issue type for a user story. UX-450 UX: Hierarchical level navigation bar. Instance display

Story - Created by Jira Software - do not edit or delete. Issue type for a user story. UX-451 UX: Hierarchical level navigation. Holdings display

Story - Created by Jira Software - do not edit or delete. Issue type for a user story. UX-452 UX: Hierarchical level navigation. Item display.

2. Elasticsearch questions which came up in yesterdays Elasticsearch improvement WG:

A. Expectations when search on Electronic Access. Search option by record type (instance, holdings, item) or search across all three record types

B. When searching on notes in the item record should that include or not include circulation specific notes (Check-in and Check-out notes)

3. Discuss display of long, and complex holdings statements. Laura will present real-life examples from Cornell's catalogue




  1. Inventory Elastic Search box (Level navigator) - wrap up from last time

 2. Define Short View of Instance, Holdings, Item

  • Instance
  • Holdings
  • Item

 3. Questions

Charlotte Whitt and all

Magda Zacharska  (regrets)

Kimie Kester (regrets)

2021/06/15 (week 24)


Inventory Search Use Cases

Discuss Inventory Elastic Search box (using search options, boolean operators, and more functionality)

Search for specific holdings and item

2021/06/08 (week 23)


Slide deck - Review UX work

  • Result list (with primary contributor only)

  • Sorting

Title sort is by the property indexTitle. If no Index title then the fall back is the Resource title.Only the Alternative title type Uniform title is relevant to single out as it's own sort option. This is especially relevant for music.Jacquie reminded about the future work on vernacular titles (MARC tag 880 Alternate Graphic Representation). Sorting should support these titles as well, long term. 

Comments: 1) Action button in the 1st pane. 2) The grouping of the sort options made sense. Within each group then list in alphabetic order.


Talk about the Level navigator bar in top of the 3rd pane - to substitute the holdings accordions:


Navigation: 1) When click on the holdings accordion, get the full view of the holdings record. 2) Holdings to be collapsed by default. Add the item count next to the holdings - as implemented today

TO DO: Charlotte will add UX in Balsamiq  ✓

2021/05/25 (week 21)


Review UX work - Result list UXPROD-491 (II) 


 2021/05/18 (week 20)

Homework: View Filip Jakobsen's short UX video:


Discuss the Inventory Result list UXPROD-491 (I)

Identify data elements to be displayed in the hierarchical (card) display of the result list.

Discuss sorting of a list when using card display

2021/05/11 (week 19)



  1. Welcome & presentation
  2. Housekeeping 
    1. find a regular meeting time (weekly, one hour
    2. workspace
  3. Scope and planning of our work
    1. hierarchical display of the Inventory resultlist
    2. search option box (using Elastic Search)
    3. list of misc. UI-improvements
  4. Questions

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