2023-05-02 FOLIO Implementers Meeting Notes
2023-05-02 FOLIO Implementers Meeting Notes
Chris Evin Long;Chuck Koontz;darsi rueda;Debra Howell (she/her - Cornell Library);Jenn Colt;Kyle Banerjee;Peter Murray;Tara Barnett;Thomas Trutt;Tod Olson;Vivian Christopher Gould
Recommended Resources and Pre-Reads
- Housekeeping
- Since last we met...
- Incomplete Actions
- Future Sessions
- What should we do for the next two months?
- Closing
- Any actions or follow through?
Time | Topic | Notes |
5:05 | Weather | It stopped raining around Cornell. Tom's grass is very tall and it's definitely the rain's fault. Debra tells us about "No Mow May": an initiative to help pollinators! 🐝 Tara loves meadow lawns. Tom lives near a honeybee farm--they love lilac bushes! There are also bears where Tom lives, and they surprisingly do not raid the hives. |
7:30 | Planning Topics | Tara makes a halfhearted attempt at a segue into our main topic: planning topics for May and June. Tara asks for topics for the agenda. Over the year, it has seemed like structuring our sessions around specific questions from real libraries has been the best strategy. |
8:28 | Roadmap Discussion | Jenn suggests a roadmap discussion! There is a FOLIO roadmap group that is underway, and they are working on designing the roadmap. Jenn's question: "When I say the FOLIO Roadmap, what does an implementing library want to see?" Also: what are the units of information that are helpful? Do you think of it in terms of a SIG or an app, or a specific workflow? We want to know what's useful in a roadmap for implementers. |
9:45 | EBSCO Mini-Presentations | Debra notes that the EBSCO users group is coming up. Could we do mini-versions of those presentations in late June. We could keep it low key. |
11:39 | Serials Processes | Chuck asks if we could do a session on serials? His institution is talking a lot about what they want to do for Serials (print serials processing in particular). Low use titles have been weeded, but they are still receiving about 180 titles. They are trying to figure out what folks are doing in the meantime as that functionality is being built out. Tara doesn't recall doing "what's the deal with Serials" this year. We might want to narrow this one down a little? Claiming, etc? |
13:20 | Misc Sessions | Tara mentions an upcoming potential session on Chicago's ABLE bindery. She also highlights sessions folks had mentioned in the past: "tags in FOLIO," and "circ rules." |
14:49 | Circulation Rules | Tom just did Circ Rules internally, and had done a presentation previously at WOLFcon on this topic. He would not mind doing a repeat of that. Circ rules strategies and permission sets might be interesting for people. |
15:31 | User Loads | Vivian requests Data Import and Data Export. Tara thinks that this might be too complex and broad for this group, so we would need to narrow it down. Tara suggests user loads? |
17:00 | Fiscal Year Rollover | Tod suggests Fiscal Year Rollover (FYRO). Tara asks if there's a guide to FYRO? We don't know, but we don't think so. Tod wonders how similar FYRO processes are between institutions. Debra mentions that Cornell is encountering difficulties with FYRO. There are also differences between institutions with single vs multiple ledgers. This would be a good one for June. |
20:14 | Missing Processes | Tara suggests Missing Processes--another classic. |
20:45 | LOC Presentation | Debra says that Caitlin at the Library of Congress is talking to various groups about the Library of Congress implementation of FOLIO, and might be available to come present to this group. She's discussing how the Library of Congress's investment in FOLIO will be shaping FOLIO over the next 18 months. |
Action Items
- Add to future agenda: Roadmap Discussion, Presentation "Science Fair" (after EBSCO users group), Serials, Circulation Rules, Loading Users, FYRO, Missing Processes, tags in FOLIO, LOC Presentation
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