Creating and using profiles

Creating and using profiles

A job profile contains all of the steps needed to complete an individual data import job - field mapping, action, and/or matching. Typically it is easier to think of a job profile "from the bottom up" in the interface and begin by configuring your field mapping profile, then its related action profile, then the match profile if applicable, and finally compiling them into an appropriate job profile.

Examples of profiles in use in production libraries can be found here: Data Import Profile Sharing

All profiles have a description field where users can enter details for cases when that particular profile is used or other helpful information.

Users can assign tags to all profiles, and can search or filter the profile list by those tags, to narrow the list to profiles used for specific actions, departments, vendors, etc.

Poppy (R2 2023) Fix Version 2.1.0

With the flower released called Poppy, there was the introduction of Profile Wrappers. These wrappers explained in detail in MODDICONV-310 - Getting issue details... STATUS help maintain the links of profiles in jobs. Before Poppy, some action profiles would disappear from the job or be unlinked or unassociated. For an example of these issues, see MODDICONV-361 - Getting issue details... STATUS and MODDICONV-365 - Getting issue details... STATUS . This is work being continued until Ramsons (R2 2024) with MODDICONV-312 - Getting issue details... STATUS .

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