Eureka Sunflower Plans and Expectations

Eureka Sunflower Plans and Expectations


This document aims to provide an overview of Eureka’s plans for Sunflower, as well as expectations. The intended audience is Folio community product owners. The goal is to share this information in order to align expectations between the Eureka team and others.


The following are activities which other Folio development teams should be aware of, and/or expected to perform. Hopefully this doesn’t require too much time/effort from teams. Of course Eureka team will do whatever we can to ease the transition and reduce the burden placed on other teams.

Feature Scope

Eureka’s exact release scope is still in flux, but the following features are being considered for inclusion in Sunflower. As noted, some of these still need to be cleaned up, split, re-estimated, etc. The purpose is to identify things which could have an impact on other teams so they can plan accordingly.


Notes / Impact on other teams


Notes / Impact on other teams


Should only impact Thunderjet who will be working on policy mgmt for consortiums


Various groups across the rest of the community should benefit from the generated documentation


Having formalized platform descriptors should help DevOps/SysOps, but should not impact development teams or end users.


Shouldn’t require effort from other teams


Shouldn’t require effort from other teams


Needs to be split. For Sunflower we’re planning to only target the adoption of declarative user specification in edge API module descriptors. It would be helpful if teams responsible for these edge modules could help with this, but it’s not expected to be much effort anyway.


Needs refinement. Only mgr-* flows which cannot be exercised via the UI would be in scope for Sunflower


Shouldn’t require effort from other teams


Should not affect other teams, this is essentially addressing technical debt.


An incremental step toward the ability to manage direct capability/capabilitySet assignment to users in the UI (Read-only for now, Assign/manager later). Unlikely to impact other teams beyond requests for PR reviews in ui-users.


Needs to be split and re-estimated. The one story in scope here will benefit those working with the application generator tool.


Only the reliability/stability tasks are in scope for Sunflower. SysOps will benefit from this, but other teams should not be impacted.


Not likely to impact other teams


Will likely be included in Sunflower mostly as a placeholder, where we allocate time to work on enhancements to role management based on anticipated feedback following real-world use of this functionality. QAs and end users will be the benefactors of this work. Dev teams may also see benefits, but aside from Thunderjet who is working on roles management in the context of consortia, teams should not be impacted.


Spikes, investigations and designs - should not impact other teams


Bug fixes, dependency upgrades, tech debt, etc. Shouldn’t require effort from other teams, but they might benefit from this work.


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