PTF - Data Export Test Report (Quesnelia) [non-ECS]
This document contains the results of testing Data Export (MARC BIB) on Quesnelia release with Data Export tests for 1k, 100k, 500k. Three csv files were prepared to run Data Export with Default instances export job profile and srs - holdings and items job profiles.
Ticket: - PERF-822Getting issue details... STATUS
- DE jobs perform dramatically better in Quesnelia release if to compare with Poppy. No issues with token. All jobs with file's volume 1000, 100k, 500k records completed successfully.
- The improvement varies from file size or job profile - from 4 to 9 times better duration. Additional test was conducted with job profile prepared by script to check consistency of results.
- The Average CPU utilization for mod-data-export depends on file size and job profile. Exporting 100k records- 63% in Default and 92% in custom job profile. Exporting 500k - Default instances export job profile- 434%, srs - holdings and items- 296%
- Average Memory consumption for mod-data-export was close to 100%. Almost the same as in Poppy release.
- Average DB utilization - 17% with 100k and 33% with 500k. DB connections - 1360 instead of 200 in Poppy.
Recommendations & Jiras
- Consider increasing of cpu for mod-data-export module to smoothen spikes with big size files.
Test Results
This table contains durations for jobs with 3 job profiles.
Profile | CSV File | DE Duration/Status Quesnelia | |
Result | Status | ||
DE MARC Bib (Default instances export job profile) | 1kDE.csv | 00:00:02 | COMPLETED |
100kDE.csv | 00:02:17 | COMPLETED | |
500kDE.csv | 00:05:10 | COMPLETED | |
DE MARC Bib (srs - holdings and items) | 1kDE.csv | 00:00:04 | COMPLETED |
100kDE.csv | 00:05:13 | COMPLETED | |
500kDE.csv | 00:08:58 | COMPLETED | |
Export for Data Import updates(created by script) | 1kDE.csv | 00:00:04 | COMPLETED |
100kDE.csv | 00:05:08 | COMPLETED | |
500kDE.csv | 00:10:41 | COMPLETED |
This table contains durations comparison between Poppy and Quesnelia releases
Profile | CSV File | DE Duration/Status Poppy 2 set | DE Duration/Status Quesnelia | DE Duration, DELTA Poppy/Quesnelia | ||
Result | Status | Result | Status | hh:mm:ss | ||
DE MARC Bib (Default instances export job profile) | 1kDE.csv | 00:00:08 | COMPLETED | 00:00:02 | COMPLETED | 00:00:06 - 4 times improvement |
100kDE.csv | 00:15:36 | COMPLETED | 00:02:17 | COMPLETED | 00:13:19 - 7 times improvement | |
500kDE.csv | 00:57:25 | FAIL | 00:05:10 | COMPLETED | ||
DE MARC Bib (srs - holdings and items) | 1kDE.csv | 00:00:29 | COMPLETED | 00:00:04 | COMPLETED | 00:00:25 - 7 times improvement |
100kDE.csv | 00:47:23 | COMPLETED | 00:05:13 | COMPLETED | 00:42:10 - 9 times improvement | |
500kDE.csv | 04:11:09 | FAIL | 00:08:58 | COMPLETED |
Service CPU Utilization
For Default instances export job profile with 100k file used 92% , during exporting 500k file - 434%.
For job profile "Export for Data Import updates" (created by script) - exporting with 100k - 33%, 500k - 202%.
For srs - holdings and items job profile - 100k - 63%, 500k - 296%.
Memory Utilization
This graph contains DE related modules.
Mod-data-export-b use 97%, mod-inventory - 55%. The rest was under 50%
All modules memory consumption graph. Here we see a lot of modules that go with more than 50% consumption.
DB CPU Utilization
DB utilized with Default instances export job profile 100k file - 17%, 500k file - 25%. For Export for Data Import updates(created by script) job profile - 100k file - 17%, 500k file - 38%.
For srs - holdings and items job profile - 100k file - 17%, 500k file - 33%.
DB Connections
DB connections - 1260 in Average. High peaks go with 1360.
DB Load
Default instances export job profile
Export for Data Import updates(test)1 job profile
srs - holdings and items job profile
SQL queries
Default instances export job profile
Export for Data Import updates(test)1 job profile
srs - holdings and items job profile
Top-SQL statement:
Default instances export job profile
autovacuum: VACUUM fs09000000_mod_data_export.job_executions_export_ids
INSERT INTO job_executions_export_ids (job_execution_id, instance_id) VALUES ($1, $2) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING
srs - holdings and items job profile
autovacuum: VACUUM fs09000000_mod_data_export.job_executions_export_ids
select,ie1_0.holdings_record_id,ie1_0.jsonb from v_item ie1_0 where ie1_0.holdings_record_id in ($1)
select,hre1_0.instance_id,hre1_0.jsonb from v_holdings_record hre1_0 where hre1_0.instance_id=$1
INSERT INTO job_executions_export_ids (job_execution_id, instance_id) VALUES ($1, $2) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING
Errors / Additional information
Note: inconsistency of data or duplicated records in the file with instances may lead to job failures. Zip file generates on UI side if number of records more than 100.000.
3 files were prepared with query: SELECT id FROM [tenant_id]_mod_inventory_storage.instance where jsonb->>'source'='MARC' LIMIT 1000|100000|500000;
All tests were carried out sequentially with each job profile on main tenant fs09000000.
To get status and time range for export jobs the query used:
select exported as filesize,completed_date - started_date as duration,job_profile_name,status as status,started_date,completed_date FROM [tenant]_mod_data_export.job_executions where job_profile_name = 'srs - holdings and items' ORDER BY completed_date DESC select exported as filesize,completed_date - started_date as duration,job_profile_name,status as status,started_date,completed_date FROM [tenant]_mod_data_export.job_executions where job_profile_name = 'Default instances export job profile' ORDER BY completed_date DESC select exported as filesize,completed_date - started_date as duration,job_profile_name,status as status,started_date,completed_date FROM [tenant]_mod_data_export.job_executions where job_profile_name = 'Export for Data Import updates(test)1' ORDER BY completed_date DESC
PTF -environment qcp1
- 10 m6i.2xlarge EC2 instances located in US East (N. Virginia)us-east-1
2 database instances, writer/reader
Name Memory GIB vCPUs max_connections db.r6g.xlarge
32 GiB 4 vCPUs 2731 Data set for fs09000000
- Instances - 25606331
- Items - 26779913
- Holdings - 25576735
- MSK tenant
- 4 m5.2xlarge brokers in 2 zones
Apache Kafka version 2.8.0
EBS storage volume per broker 300 GiB
- auto.create.topics.enable=true
- log.retention.minutes=480
- default.replication.factor=3
QCP1 modules
Data Export related modules
Module | Task Def. Revision | Module Version | Task Count | Mem Hard Limit | Mem Soft limit | CPU units | Xmx | MetaspaceSize | MaxMetaspaceSize |
qcp1-pvt | |||||||||
Tue Jun 04 07:31:53 UTC 2024 | |||||||||
mod-authtoken | 5 | mod-authtoken:2.15.1 | 2 | 1440 | 1152 | 512 | 922 | 88 | 128 |
mod-users-bl | 4 | mod-users-bl:7.7.0 | 2 | 1440 | 1152 | 512 | 922 | 88 | 128 |
mod-inventory-storage | 4 | mod-inventory-storage:27.1.0 | 2 | 4096 | 3690 | 2048 | 3076 | 384 | 512 |
mod-source-record-storage | 4 | mod-source-record-storage:5.8.0 | 2 | 5600 | 5000 | 2048 | 3500 | 384 | 512 |
mod-inventory | 4 | mod-inventory:20.2.0 | 2 | 2880 | 2592 | 1024 | 1814 | 384 | 512 |
mod-source-record-manager | 5 | mod-source-record-manager:3.9.0-SNAPSHOT.330 | 2 | 5600 | 5000 | 2048 | 3500 | 384 | 512 |
nginx-okapi | 3 | nginx-okapi:2023.06.14 | 2 | 1024 | 896 | 128 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
okapi-b | 4 | okapi:5.3.0 | 3 | 1684 | 1440 | 1024 | 922 | 384 | 512 |
mod-data-export | 11 | mod-data-export:5.0.4 | 1 | 2048 | 1524 | 1024 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
pub-okapi | 3 | pub-okapi:2023.06.14 | 2 | 1024 | 896 | 128 | 768 | 0 | 0 |