OAI-PMH data harvesting (Orchid)


The purpose of the OAI-PMH tests is to measure the performance of the Orchid release and to find possible issues, bottlenecks per PERF-410 - Getting issue details... STATUS




XmxMaxMetaSpaceSizeMetaspaceSizeTasks CountTask Rev Number







  • Tests were executed by JMeter script in the AWS Carrier-io instance.
  • The average response time per request with a resumption token is 604 ms ( compared to Nolana's 646 ms).
  • 'OutOfMemory' exceptions (OOM) were detected at all times when tests were run without throughput limits (w/o 40 requests/min). Tests with 40 requests/min (which in Morning Glory proved to be successful 100% of the time) had positive results but the integrity of the harvesting was not checked. OOMs seen in Morning Glory and Nolana releases are also seen here.
  • 'Thread blocked' exceptions were detected only during the investigation of a custom branch (https://github.com/folio-org/mod-oai-pmh/tree/vert-timeout-rollback) with vert timeout manipulation.

Recommendations & Jiras

  • for providing additional confirmation, execute OAI-PMH full harvesting by EBSCO Harvester from AWS ec2 instance for avoiding location factors PERF-510 - Getting issue details... STATUS ;
  • PERF-449 - Getting issue details... STATUS potentially, might be closed and re-open in case of similar issues will be detected by EBSCO Harvester testing;
  • create a ticket for the Firebird Team for resolving 'mod-oai-pmh' OOM issues and performance optimization of harvesting functionality.   
  • PERF-509 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test Results

Test NumberrecordsSourcemaxRecordsPerResponseDurationTotal RequestsRequests/min

Average Response time,


1Source record storage100~25 h92'04039.5604(warning)No issues 
2Source record storage and Inventory100~9 h19'88938.8488(warning)No issues 

(warning) - the integrity of the harvesting was not checked

Response metadata:

Test #1
    "requestMetadataCollection": [
            "requestId": "5457c24a-d3c6-4807-8b9e-9a0123802820",
            "lastUpdatedDate": "2023-04-03T06:12:59.807+00:00",
            "streamEnded": true,
            "downloadedAndSavedInstancesCounter": 10023100,
            "failedToSaveInstancesCounter": 0,
            "returnedInstancesCounter": 9160018,
            "skippedInstancesCounter": 45682,
            "failedInstancesCounter": 0,
            "suppressedInstancesCounter": 0
    "totalRecords": 1

Test #2
    "requestMetadataCollection": [
            "requestId": "0c2ef1f4-ab94-450a-b092-723ffc5338d6",
            "lastUpdatedDate": "2023-04-03T18:39:29.738+00:00",
            "streamEnded": true,
            "downloadedAndSavedInstancesCounter": 10023100,
            "failedToSaveInstancesCounter": 0,
            "returnedInstancesCounter": 1957773,
            "skippedInstancesCounter": 33027,
            "failedInstancesCounter": 0,
            "suppressedInstancesCounter": 0
    "totalRecords": 1

For additional investigation of the behaviour of OAI-PMH operations with the throughput limitation of 40 requests/min, a series of test executions have been run on the local machine:

1Source records storageNo limitslocalOutOfMemory
240/minlocalconnection lost ~12hNot representative due to the local machine has lost connection
3InventoryNo limitslocal504 Gateway Time-out
5Source record storage and InventoryNo limitslocaljava.net.SocketException: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machineNot representative due to the local machine has lost connection

Moreover, for additional investigation of the behaviour of OAI-PMH operations, several versions of 'mod-oai-pmh' were tested:

Version of the mod-oai-pmhThroughputrecordsSourceResult
mod-oai-pmh:3.11.0No limitsSRSOutOfMemory
mod-oai-pmh:3.11.1No limitsSRSOutOfMemory
mod-oai-pmh:3.12.0No limitsSRSOutOfMemory
https://github.com/folio-org/mod-oai-pmh/tree/vert-timeout-rollbackNo limitsSRSThread blocked >> OOM

Resources Utilization: Test #1 - SRS > 92'040 requests

Service CPU Utilization

mod-oai-pmh can spike up to over 300% initially.  The other modules barely incur any high CPU utilization above their baselines. 

Service Memory Usage

No memory issues were detected.

Database CPU Utilization

The DB CPU utilization shows spikes in the first 30-60 minutes for transferring instances and is relatively even and smooth for the rest of the harvest. 

ocp2-db-01: in the case of excepting the first 30-60 minutes, we can see a tendency of slow CPU Utilization growth.

Resources Utilization: Test #2 - SRS+Inventory > 19'889 requests

Service CPU Utilization

'mod-oai-pmh' spiked up to less than 80% initially.  The other modules barely incur any high CPU utilization above their baselines. 

Service Memory Usage

No memory issues were detected.

Database CPU Utilization

The DB CPU utilization shows spikes in the first 30-60 minutes for transferring instances and is relatively even and smooth for the rest of the harvest. 

Incremental harvesting


Incremental harvesting testing were performed on a bit different environment (for most of a modules it's the same except mod-source-record-storage memory configuration for incremental harvesting it's less than for full harvesting env.5600/5000 vs 2048/1440 and xmx 3600 vs 1024)

For env configuration details please see : Appendix section


  • For all tests all data were harvested successfully;
  • There are a chance to get "504 Gateway Time-out" on initial call. Bug created MODINVSTOR-1052
  • Response times for harvesting calls is in average 650 -750ms;
  • No memory leak suspects were defined;
  • RDS CPU usage is on 12-13% level during harvesting and ±35-40% during data transferring.


For testing incremental harvesting PTF team create JMeter script that contains initial oai-pmh call:


and subsequent call:


Time ranges and data set sizes: 

setfromto num of records
32023-03-28T18:00:00Z2023-04-06T18:00:00Z1M records

Test Results

test #Data setduration Record sourcestatus
125K3 min 50sSRSSuccess 
2590K1 hr 14minSRS


31M2 hr 1minSRSSuccess
425K4 min 32 sSRS+inventorySuccess
5590K1 hr 7minSRS+inventorySuccess
61M2 hr 21 minSRS+inventorySuccess

Record source SRS resource usage

Record source SRS+inventory resource usage 

Service CPU usage - 25K- 500K instances harvesting

Service CPU usage - 1M instances harvesting

Service Memory usage - 25K- 500K instances harvesting

Service Memory usage - 1M instances harvesting

RDS CPU usage 25K- 500K instances harvesting

RDS CPU usage 1M instances harvesting


Below log from mod-oai-pmh containing 504 Gateway Time-out

 ERROR log mod-oai-pmh

13:07:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:07:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:08:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:08:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:08:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:08:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:08:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:08:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:08:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:08:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:08:46 [] [] [] [] ERROR OaiPmhJsonParser Unexpected character ('<' (code 60)): expected a valid value (JSON String, Number, Array, Object or token 'null', 'true' or 'false')

at [Source: UNKNOWN; line: 1, column: 2]

13:08:46 [] [] [] [] ERROR OaiPmhJsonParser Error position at error part of json is 2

13:08:46 [] [] [] [] ERROR OaiPmhJsonParser <html><head><title>504 Gateway Time-out</title></head><body><center><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1></cen

13:08:46 [] [] [] [] WARN OaiPmhImpl getOaiRecords:: RequestId b3eca50d-eba2-4bfd-b9a4-bad773caa434 completed with error Got error response from inventory-storage, uri: '/inventory-hierarchy/updated-instance-ids?onlyInstanceUpdateDate=false&endDate=2023-04-06T18:00:01Z&deletedRecordSupport=true&startDate=2023-03-28T18:00:00Z&skipSuppressedFromDiscoveryRecords=true' message: Invalid response: Gateway Time-out null

13:08:46 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil null GET /oai/records verb=ListRecords&metadataPrefix=marc21_withholdings&apikey=eyJzIjoiVDNUSzAzR2QyViIsInQiOiJmczA5MDAwMDAwIiwidSI6ImZzMDkwMDAwMDAifQ==&from=2023-03-28T18:00:00Z&until=2023-04-06T18:00:00Z HTTP_1_1 500 295 400029 tid=fs09000000 Internal Server Error

13:09:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:09:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:09:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:09:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:09:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:09:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:09:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:09:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:10:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:10:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:10:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:10:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:10:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:10:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:10:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:10:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:11:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:11:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:11:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:11:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:11:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:11:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:11:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:11:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:12:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:12:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:12:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:12:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:12:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:12:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:12:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:12:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:13:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:13:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:13:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:13:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:13:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:13:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:13:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:13:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:14:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:14:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:14:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:14:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:14:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:14:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:14:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:14:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:15:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:15:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:15:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:15:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:15:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:15:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:15:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:15:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:16:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:16:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:16:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:16:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:16:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:16:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:16:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:16:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:17:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:17:13 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:17:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:17:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:17:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:17:43 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:17:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:17:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:18:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:18:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:18:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:18:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:18:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:18:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:18:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:18:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:19:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:19:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:19:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:19:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:19:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:19:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:19:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:19:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:20:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:20:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:20:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:20:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:20:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:20:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:20:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:20:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:21:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:21:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:21:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:21:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:21:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:21:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:21:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:21:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:22:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:22:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:22:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:22:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:22:18 [529153/oai] [fs09000000] [2ac43d6a-3945-4d99-87ee-7a8281238572] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getOaiRecords

13:22:18 [529153/oai] [fs09000000] [2ac43d6a-3945-4d99-87ee-7a8281238572] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO OaiPmhImpl getOaiRecords:: parameters verb: ListRecords, identifier: null, resumptionToken: null, from: 2023-03-28T18:00:00Z, until: 2023-04-06T18:00:00Z, set: null, metadataPrefix: marc21_withholdings

13:22:18 [529153/oai] [fs09000000] [2ac43d6a-3945-4d99-87ee-7a8281238572] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO OaiPmhImpl getOaiRecords:: Use org.folio.oaipmh.processors.MarcWithHoldingsRequestHelper for requestId 0309d978-374a-44e5-b308-8b9d70b98c51

13:22:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:22:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:22:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:22:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:23:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:23:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:23:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:23:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:23:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:23:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:23:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:23:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:24:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:24:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:24:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:24:14 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:24:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:24:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:24:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getAdminHealth

13:24:44 [] [] [] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO LogUtil GET /admin/health null HTTP_1_1 200 4 0 tid=null OK

13:25:11 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /oai/records verb=ListRecords&metadataPrefix=marc21_withholdings&apikey=eyJzIjoiVDNUSzAzR2QyViIsInQiOiJmczA5MDAwMDAwIiwidSI6ImZzMDkwMDAwMDAifQ==&from=2023-03-28T18:00:00Z&until=2023-04-06T18:00:00Z HTTP_1_1 200 513520 172669 tid=fs09000000 OK

13:25:12 [135497/oai] [fs09000000] [2ac43d6a-3945-4d99-87ee-7a8281238572] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getOaiRecords

13:25:12 [135497/oai] [fs09000000] [2ac43d6a-3945-4d99-87ee-7a8281238572] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO OaiPmhImpl getOaiRecords:: parameters verb: ListRecords, identifier: null, resumptionToken: bWV0YWRhdGFQcmVmaXg9bWFyYzIxX3dpdGhob2xkaW5ncyZmcm9tPTIwMjMtMDMtMjhUMTg6MDA6MDBaJnVudGlsPTIwMjMtMDQtMDZUMTg6MDA6MDBaJm5leHRJbnN0YW5jZVBrVmFsdWU9NzM0MTEyNTA1Jm9mZnNldD04NiZyZXF1ZXN0SWQ9MDMwOWQ5NzgtMzc0YS00NGU1LWIzMDgtOGI5ZDcwYjk4YzUxJm5leHRSZWNvcmRJZD0wMDA0ZGMwMS00YzlkLTQyMGUtYTYzNC05NWZhMzA1YjVhYWQmZXhwaXJhdGlvbkRhdGU9MjAyMy0wNC0wOFQxMzoyNToxMVo, from: null, until: null, set: null, metadataPrefix: null

13:25:12 [135497/oai] [fs09000000] [2ac43d6a-3945-4d99-87ee-7a8281238572] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO OaiPmhImpl getOaiRecords:: Use org.folio.oaipmh.processors.MarcWithHoldingsRequestHelper for requestId 0309d978-374a-44e5-b308-8b9d70b98c51

13:25:12 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /oai/records verb=ListRecords&apikey=eyJzIjoiVDNUSzAzR2QyViIsInQiOiJmczA5MDAwMDAwIiwidSI6ImZzMDkwMDAwMDAifQ==&resumptionToken=bWV0YWRhdGFQcmVmaXg9bWFyYzIxX3dpdGhob2xkaW5ncyZmcm9tPTIwMjMtMDMtMjhUMTg6MDA6MDBaJnVudGlsPTIwMjMtMDQtMDZUMTg6MDA6MDBaJm5leHRJbnN0YW5jZVBrVmFsdWU9NzM0MTEyNTA1Jm9mZnNldD04NiZyZXF1ZXN0SWQ9MDMwOWQ5NzgtMzc0YS00NGU1LWIzMDgtOGI5ZDcwYjk4YzUxJm5leHRSZWNvcmRJZD0wMDA0ZGMwMS00YzlkLTQyMGUtYTYzNC05NWZhMzA1YjVhYWQmZXhwaXJhdGlvbkRhdGU9MjAyMy0wNC0wOFQxMzoyNToxMVo HTTP_1_1 200 542951 479 tid=fs09000000 OK

13:25:13 [744834/oai] [fs09000000] [2ac43d6a-3945-4d99-87ee-7a8281238572] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO RestRouting invoking getOaiRecords

13:25:13 [744834/oai] [fs09000000] [2ac43d6a-3945-4d99-87ee-7a8281238572] [mod_oai_pmh] INFO OaiPmhImpl getOaiRecords:: parameters verb: ListRecords, identifier: null, resumptionToken: bWV0YWRhdGFQcmVmaXg9bWFyYzIxX3dpdGhob2xkaW5ncyZmcm9tPTIwMjMtMDMtMjhUMTg6MDA6MDBaJnVudGlsPTIwMjMtMDQtMDZUMTg6MDA6MDBaJm5leHRJbnN0YW5jZVBrVmFsdWU9NzM0MTEyNjA1Jm9mZnNldD0xNzkmcmVxdWVzdElkPTAzMDlkOTc4LTM3NGEtNDRlNS1iMzA4LThiOWQ3MGI5OGM1MSZuZXh0UmVjb3JkSWQ9MDAwOWQ1N2ItMGY0Yy00MzQ0LWI0MDMtYTJiMGRjNjYxN2JiJmV4cGlyYXRpb25EYXRlPTIwMjMtMDQtMDhUMTM6MjU6MTJa, from: null, until: null, set: null, metadataPrefix: null


Environment configuration for incremental harvesting:

VersionCPUMemory/MemoryReservationXmxMaxMetaSpaceSizeMetaspaceSizeTasks Count

