[Nolana] Check-IN + Item-level requests


The target of the test is to investigate the impact of the Check-In activities with previously created item-level requests and to compare tested results with direct non-functional requirements (see Jira ticket).

PERF-349 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  • Test results don't show a substantial negative impact of Check-In activities with previously created item-level requests:
    • The average response time of CI was approx. 340 ms and meet NFR (500 ms).
  • Expected high memory usage was detected for mod-circulation - 76%  
  • All modules show expected CPU behaviour and typical workload - 28.4% in a peak

Test Runs 

Test #

Test Conditions


Load generator size (recommended)Load generator Memory(GiB) (recommended)


25 users CI30 mint3.medium1


Response Times 

Grafana: http://carrier-io.int.folio.ebsco.com/grafana/d/elIt9zCnz/jmeter-performance-test-copy?orgId=1&from=1676283329190&to=1676285621802&var-percentile=95&var-test_type=baseline&var-test=circulation_Check-IN_Nolana_ILR&var-env=int&var-grouping=1s&var-low_limit=250&var-high_limit=750&var-db_name=jmeter&var-sampler_type=All


Average, ms

Check-in Controller
Test 1340.13