Nolana - Export Manager Performance testing
Modules needed
- mod-data-export worker
- mod-data-export-spring
- other modules??
Testing expectations:
- Bulk edit user records
- Bulk edit item records with the updates to locations and statues and loan types
- Bulk edit holdings records with updates to locations
- Run multiple bulk edits concurrently
- Run bulk edit while exporting:
- circulation logs
- bursar data
- eHoldings
Failover tests:
- Determine likelihood of failover
- Determine that the tasks restart
- Determine that the new task picks up the jobs that were in progress
Number of records to be tested:
User records: 100, 1000, 2500 records
Item records: 100, 1000, 10 000 records
Holdings records: 100, 1000, 10 000 records
Circulation logs: 1000, 75 000, 100 00 records
Bursar data: 500, 2 000 records
Number of concurrent exports: up to 5
Testing scenarios:
Create Fee/fine for Bursar export:
- Find active user in FOLIO
- Go to User Information
- On the Actions menu select Create Fee/fine
- Populate Fine owner, Fee/fine type and Fine amount
- Click the Charge only button