[Spike] mod-data-export-worker horizontal scaling

Solution Architect
Java Lead
UI Lead
Product Owner


Risks: known issue -  MODEXPW-150 - Getting issue details... STATUS can be investigated in parallel with two tasks below

MODEXPW-178 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - Spike: mod-data-export-worker horizontal scaling

1. Local FS → MinIO storage (6-8 SPs)

All operations on the local FS must be migrated to S3-compatible storage. The MinIO client can be used as a provider.

1.1 Adapter layer (3-5 SPs)

The following operations should be supported by S3-adapter:

public static Path createFile(Path path, FileAttribute<?>... attrs)
throws IOException

Files.createFile(filename) together with new FileWriter(filename) can be replaced by 

public void write(String filename, byte[] bytes)
public static Path createDirectories(Path dir, FileAttribute<?>... attrs)
throws IOException

public static boolean exists(Path path)
public boolean exists(String filename)

public static boolean notExists(Path path)
public boolean notExists(String filename)

public static Path write(Path path, byte[] bytes)
throws IOException
public String write(String filename, byte[] bytes) 
throws IOException

public static Path write(Path path, byte[] bytes, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, 
StandardOpenOption.APPEND) throws IOException

public static void delete(Path path) throws IOException

public static boolean deleteIfExists(Path path) throws IOException

public static List<String> readAllLines(Path path) throws IOException
public List<String> readAllLines(String filename)

public static byte[] readAllBytes(Path path) throws IOException
public byte[] readAllBytes(String filename)

public static InputStream newInputStream(Path path, OpenOption... options)
throws IOException
public InputStream newInputStream(String filename)

public static BufferedWriter newBufferedWriter(Path path, OpenOption... options)
throws IOException

public static Stream<String> lines(Path path) throws IOException
public Stream<String> lines(String filename)

public static Stream<Path> list(Path dir) throws IOException

public static Stream<Path> walk(Path dir) throws IOException

1.2 Refactoring (3 SPs)

All the FS operations should be moved to use newly implemented S3-adapter.

a) All the paths should contain tenantID as parent folder name. For this purposes corresponding wrapper should be created and used for paths generating.

b) Folder name can be specified in objectName parameter prefix for putObject method. https://docs.minio.io/docs/java-client-api-reference#putObject https://github.com/minio/minio/issues/2423#issuecomment-239408168

var objectName = String.format(%s/%s/%s, tenantId, folderName, fileName);
minioClient.putObject(bucketName, objectName, inputStream, contentType);

2. Schedulers refactoring (8-13 SPs)

The current scheduling implementation needs to be changed to prevent multi-schedulers execution for several active instances. Other than that schedulers should be safely restored after modules restarting without calls to TenantAPI. This isn't in scope of mod-data-export-worker - it will be processed separately in scope of mod-data-export-spring.

TDB: consider implementation of PubSub, connect with Taras on Quartz application. Will require teams Firebird, Thunderjet, and Spitfire connection on implementation and testing.

3. Shared resources refactoring (3-5 SPs)

3.1 Move local map that stores JobCommands by IDs to database (by Oleksandr Bozhko )

When uploading a file as a part of Bulk edit functionality, the new Job is created. Based on the created Job, new JobCommand instance is created and passed to mod-data-export-worker module through the Kafka. Kafka listener accepts this JobCommand and adds it to local map. When Job starts, JobCommand is retrieved from that map by job id. However, when there is more than one instance of mod-data-export-worker module, POST request to start a job can be accepted by another instance and its local map will not contain such job id.

Assuming the stated above, it would be better to move local map to database.