Data Import Test Report (Juniper HF3)

Data Import Test Report (Juniper HF3)



This document contains the results of testing Data Import in Kiwi and Juniper Hot Fix 3, and compare their results against each other to detect performance trends. 

Software versions


  • mod-data-import v2.1.4
  • mod-source-record-manager v3.1.3
  • mod-source-record-storage v5.1.6, started out with v5.1.6 but switched to v5.1.7 to match Juniper Bugfest
  • mod-inventory v17.0.6
  • mod-inventory-storage v21.0.9

(This set of Juniper modules requires the unique item barcode to be applied to the mod_inventory_storage.item barcode column because of MODINV-508 - Getting issue details... STATUS . Without it any Data Import job would not be able to proceed at all.)

MODSOURCE-422  Upgrade Vertx from 4.0.0 to 4.1.2 (Juniper HF5)

MODSOURCE-421 Add possibility to adjust parameter DB_MAXPOOLSIZE for configuring connection pool (Juniper HF5)


Import durations are recorded in the following table. Note that we did a couple of imports and their durations are recorded here for completeness sake, separated by a comma. 

Import Durations

Profiles used for PTF testing


Juniper HF3 

HF3 with mod-inv v17.0.7HF5 Vertex 4.1.2 

HF5 Vertex 4.1.2 


5K MARC Create

PTF - Create 2

15, 17 min

15 min11 min

5K MARC Update

PTF - Updates Success - 1

12 mins, FAILED

32 min

 23 min      

10K MARC Create 

PTF - Create 2

28 min

26 min

24 min

10K MARC Update

PTF - Updates Success - 1


1 hr

1 hr 14 min 

20K MARC Create

PTF - Create 2

56 min

46 min

20K MARC Update

PTF - Updates Success - 1

DNR - slow

25K MARC CreatePTF - Create 2

1 hr 7 min1 hr 36 min
25K MARC UpdatePTF - Updates Success - 1

2 hr 33 min2 hr 24 min
50K MARC CreatePTF - Create 2

2 hr 7 min Failed2 hr 3 min *
50K UpdatePTF - Updates Success - 1


Observations Juniper HF3

  1. mod-srs v5.1.6 tasks crashed every time doing an UPDATE import, which prompted us to use v5.1.7 to see if this problem was resolved.
  2. UDPATEs on Juniper HF3 most of the time does not work. Getting various errors.
  3. When 

* Observations Juniper HF5 ( HF5 changes list)

  1. 50K Create is unstable on HF5 and may fail with 25 connections DB_MAXPOOLSIZE  due to Error Connection is not active now, current status: CLOSED.

HF 5 DB_MAXPOOLSIZE experiments 

notable observations:

  • More connections from SRS to DB means higher service memory usage;
  • Looks like DB_MAXPOOLSIZE parameter is the maximum connections per service (not task). 

Test #DB_MAXPOOLSIZEduration

Juniper resources usage