PTF -RTAC Workflow Test Report (Honeysuckle)

PTF -RTAC Workflow Test Report (Honeysuckle)

PERF-117 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Work in progress...


PERF-117 - Getting issue details... STATUS was created to re-run RTAC performance test in the Honeysuckle environment which will verify performance issues reported by MODRTAC-38 - Getting issue details... STATUS

 We tested mod-rtac, edge-rtac with 1, 15, 20 virtual users for 15, 30 minutes with different combinations of instance size.


  • mod-circulation-19.2.3
  • mod-circulation-storage-12.1.2
  • mod-inventory-storage-19.4.3
  • mod-inventory-16.1.0
  • okapi-4.2.2
  • mod-authtoken-2.6.0
  • mod-permissions-5.12.2


  • 63 back-end modules deployed in 110 ECS services
  • 3 okapi ECS services
  • 10 m5.large  EC2 instances
  • 2 db.r5.xlarge AWS RDS instance (1 reader, 1 writer)

High Level Summary

  1. On average edge-rtac GET_/rtac?instanceIds=id1,id2,id3,idn API call takes 721.40 ms for 1 instance with 300+ holdings. This is an improvement from 17.5 seconds in Fameflower.
  2. On average mod-rtac POST_/rtac-batch API call takes 529 ms for 1 instance with 300+ holdings. This is an improvement from 17 seconds in Fameflower.
  3. On running mod-rtac POST_/rtac-batch API for more than 5 users for 15 minutes test run, mapping errors were seen. Please see MODRTAC-53 in recommended improvements below. 
  4. See Recommended Improvements for the JIRAs that were created/covered by this testing effort.

Test Runs


Virtual Users


OKAPI metrics

Holdings per instance

API call



30 min


greater than 300

edge-rtac GET https://edge-honeysuckle-cap1.int.aws.folio.org/rtac?instanceIds=id1,id2,id3,id4,id5,id6,id7,id8,id9,id10&apikey={API_KEY}&fullPeriodicals=true



30 min


greater than 300

mod-rtac POST https://okapi-honeysuckle-cap1.int.aws.folio.org/rtac-batch
3.130 minDISABLE50 instances with a mix of 3,4,5,6,7 holdings per instanceedge-rtac GET https://edge-honeysuckle-cap1.int.aws.folio.org/rtac?instanceIds=id1,id2,id3,id4,id5,id6,id7,id8,id9,id10&apikey={API_KEY}&fullPeriodicals=true
4.130 minDISABLE50 instances with a mix of 3,4,5,6,7 holdings per instancemod-rtac GET https://okapi-honeysuckle-cap1.int.aws.folio.org/rtac-batch
5.2015 minENABLE50 instances with a mix of 3,4,5,6,7 holdings per instancemod-rtac POST https://okapi-honeysuckle-cap1.int.aws.folio.org/rtac-batch
6.1515 minENABLE50 instances with a mix of 3,4,5,6,7 holdings per instancemod-inventory-storage POST https://okapi-honeysuckle-cap1.int.aws.folio.org/inventory-hierarchy/items-and-holdings 
7.2015 minENABLE50 instances with a mix of 3,4,5,6,7 holdings per instancemod-inventory-storage POST https://okapi-honeysuckle-cap1.int.aws.folio.org/inventory-hierarchy/items-and-holdings 


mod-rtac and inventory-hierarchy

A mod-rtac level request to get all open loans for greater than 300 holdings per instance

POST /rtac-batch for 30 minutesTotal InstancesTotal HoldingsAverage 75th %tile
1 user1333529 ms456 ms
1 user50mix of 3,4,5,6,72.57 seconds2.37 seconds

This test was run to exaggerate with 20 users to recreate an error from mod-rtac. Out of 50 instance lookups, 3 lookups failed with facade error mapping.

POST /rtac-batch for 15 minutesTotal InstancesTotal HoldingsAverage 75th %tile
2 user50mix of 3,4,5,6,72.97 seconds2.70 seconds
20 user50mix of 3,4,5,6,721.75 seconds31.37 seconds

Following errors were found in CloudWatch logs:


2020-11-18T16:13:54.706-05:00	21:13:54 INFO FolioToRtacMapper Rtac handling periodicals: false
2020-11-18T16:13:54.706-05:00	21:13:54 INFO FolioToRtacMapper Rtac handling periodicals: false
2020-11-18T16:13:54.707-05:00	21:13:54 INFO FolioFacade Mapping inventory instances: 47
2020-11-18T16:13:54.707-05:00	21:13:54 INFO FolioFacade Mapping errors: 3
2020-11-18T16:13:54.707-05:00	21:13:54 INFO LogUtil org.folio.rest.RestVerticle start invoking postRtacBatch
2020-11-18T16:13:54.716-05:00	21:13:54 INFO LogUtil POST /rtac-batch null HTTP_1_1 200 338787 15258 tid=fs09000000 OK - - [18/Nov/2020:21:20:10 +0000] "POST /mod-rtac/rtac-batch HTTP/1.1" 504 183 rt=599.997 uct="0.000" uht="600.001" urt="600.001" "Apache-HttpClient/4.5.6 (Java/1.8.0_232)" "fs09000000" "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJmb2xpbyIsInVzZXJfaWQiOiI5ZWI2NzMwMS02ZjZlLTQ2OGYtOWIxYS02MTM0ZGMzOWE2ODQiLCJtb2R1bGUiOiJtb2QtcnRhYy0yLjAuMSIsImV4dHJhX3Blcm1pc3Npb25zIjpbIlNZUyNtb2QtcnRhYy0yLjAuMSNcL3J0YWMtYmF0Y2gjW1BPU1RdIl0sInRlbmFudCI6ImZzMDkwMDAwMDAifQ.ifkt2jQFQauIXc2megNEB88qFYTCZmqZXcjGu2NE7yw" "{\x0D\x0A  \x22instanceIds\x22: [\x0D\x0A    \x2200009a0b-e973-443b-9796-c3373a352f86\x22,\x2200013259-9863-4259-910f-0d7ce90ff338\x22,\x2200017996-3315-4c35-a190-9ba05d845295\x22,\x2200020880-4d98-4875-94ef-bf2004ab67d8\x22,\x220002288a-59aa-4204-866e-7ffdd00fb96a\x22,\x2200042c9f-1019-4d65-9a75-d3a894507386\x22,\x22000516be-39ce-4fd8-8ac6-a45a4c3f702e\x22,\x2200052ca9-14f5-40bd-9a30-bb867a3436c2\x22,\x220005e0e3-5ecd-480b-96db-bab8ab8acff3\x22,\x2200062383-9abf-49c1-8b91-d6b989687ac4\x22,\x220012a59f-a16b-4a91-8c9c-a3d6b9fce816\x22,\x22001ac7b2-a57f-413d-bc30-64de99bac69c\x22,\x220020c571-e6e6-4dbc-a42f-fb8ba8728828\x22,\x220024a79a-bf95-47e9-8295-97ce9759c9c7\x22,\x2200278ebb-0cc3-4c8b-8373-7047096cc4a8\x22,\x2200280262-ac01-4159-b124-17e81cf4dd5e\x22,\x22002ae2e3-59b6-45f7-9b04-873fe03b7909\x22,\x22002b99a6-a75e-4444-ac43-574ea2207b84\x22,\x22003048f4-d47d-4206-a60c-b9b07526cf3a\x22,\x22003162f6-327b-41d2-8983-3fd32da1fb9a\x22,\x22000314cc-85a0-466b-83bc-e87abd73886a\x22,\x22000b35bf-9844-4c2e-bf27-e5aa62a911a4\x22,\x220010c364-fed3-467b-8145-19b48562dc68\x22,\x22001184f6-651d-4265-af5d-690194c31e45\x22,\x220042782b-8dca-4b0c-9dc5-5bde61d03095\x22,\x2200475cd9-d21a-427d-8f56-f3a53f1738b4\x22,\x220049dfb5-3947-405e-9491-c8cf5ae200ff\x22,\x22004e1405-ccda-4525-8e0e-1fd962696d8d\x22,\x2200541e48-6a59-407d-8d94-91fd6a78095e\x22,\x220061fce1-7973-4786-9251-a34944c6cdf9\x22,\x220011a8f1-efe4-44f0-9974-f94f2d6d204d\x22,\x220015fdae-66b1-4d7c-b896-1717b4339132\x22,\x22003d93a2-b27d-4fa4-9be1-50b8a0a80792\x22,\x220040a038-9ce4-451e-a608-cb98dd9edb35\x22,\x22006314ca-17b7-4c72-b760-b6186ad2ec1a\x22,\x22007f943c-6c20-45b8-8a81-d9b9e069f6db\x22,\x22009589d6-2644-4824-b343-5461aaea2d2e\x22,\x2200ae50af-33f7-4d7f-8632-4e6980ac8197\x22,\x2200b3bf8f-24d7-4178-8ceb-ec27c3ee039f\x22,\x2200b8ed0b-f265-499c-98fe-891ad8da4023\x22,\x22005a5bbb-8b80-4f3b-8be0-77021ff3ff56\x22,\x2200db8626-ece0-4b53-9120-b5220e27c491\x22,\x2200f8c674-6808-4d0b-a050-a385a5e345b5\x22,\x220121ebd1-351a-46ae-94c6-c7251bb1273c\x22,\x2201654b4f-a206-4153-af64-4afd2a357b6b\x22,\x2202038995-656d-4a87-8870-7dbf1fd5fe48\x22,\x2202235e2b-9a57-4175-9244-36bbe11beaf4\x22,\x22025e129b-1173-46f1-baa0-6f5ffca00b90\x22,\x220260fffd-3bbf-4664-8db1-e80405719601\x22,\x22030a018c-afe8-4f93-a883-581df5562194\x22\x0D\x0A  ]\x0D\x0A}\x0D\x0A\x0D\x0A"

mod-rtac calls inventory-hierarchy. To investigate the error for mod-rtac for concurrent users(2 or more), POST inventory-hierarchy/items-and-holdings API tests were run for 15 users and 20 users. No errors were reported.

POST inventory-hierarchy/items-and-holdings for 15 minutesTotal InstancesTotal HoldingsAverage 75th %tile
15 users50mix of 3,4,5,6,77.11 seconds7.23 seconds
20 users50mix of 3,4,5,6,79.34 seconds9.56 seconds

This proves that the issue is with mod-rtac and hence MODRTAC-53 - Getting issue details... STATUS was created.


An edge-rtac level request to get all open loans for greater than 300 holdings per instance

GET /rtac for 30 minutesTotal InstancesTotal HoldingsAverage 75th %tile
1 user1333721 ms500 ms
1 user50mix of 3,4,5,6,72.58 seconds2.52 seconds

Slow Queries

1 instance with 333 holdings

Percent of total time

Average Time, ms



60%188 msmod_inventory_storage

select * from get_items_and_holdings_view($1,$2)

50 instances with a mix of 3,4,5,6,7 holdings per instance

Percent of total time

Average Time, ms



58%977 msmod_inventory_storage

select * from get_items_and_holdings_view($1,$2)

RDS CPU Utilization

1 user 1 instance with 333 holdings. CPU is around 24% which is normal.

1 user 50 instances with a mix of 3,4,5,6,7 holdings per instance. CPU is around 27% which is normal.

15 users, 20 users 50 instances with a mix of 3,4,5,6,7 holdings per instance. CPU is close to 100% which is high because DB was fired with 15, 20 different users. This run involved 504 errors from mod-rtac. These many numbers of concurrent users are rare and will not happen in production.

Service Memory Utilization

1 user - 1 instance 333 holdings

1 user - 50 instances with a mix of 3 to 7 holdings

Average Range(high-low) %Average Range(high-low) %
mod-rtac91 -9190 - 90
edge-rtac32 -3231 - 35
mod-inventory50 -5071.5 -72
mod-inventory-storage57 - 5768 - 68
mod-circulation73 - 7393 - 100
mod-circulation-storage47 - 4748 - 49
okapi90 -91.591 - 92

15 users and 20 users for 50 instances with a mix of 3,4,5,6,7 holdings per instance. Service memory Utilization is relatively high for mod-rtac compared to other modules in the graph but this is rare. This use case was run to recreate the issue reported in MODRTAC-53. 2 vertical lines represent the time range for the test run.

Service CPU Utilization

1 user - 1 instance 333 holdings

1 user - 50 instances with a mix of 3 to 7 holdings

Average Range(high-low) %Average Range(high-low) %
mod-rtac81 - 2404 - 130
edge-rtac5.2 - 30.71.5 - 10.45
mod-inventory2.5 - 33 -5
mod-inventory-storage9 - 153.45 - 20
mod-circulation3 - 163 - 14.4
mod-circulation-storage3 - 333.6 - 40
okapi5 - 805 - 163

15 users and 20 users for 50 instances with a mix of 3,4,5,6,7 holdings per instance. CPU Utilization is relatively high but this is rare. This use case was run to recreate the issue reported in MODRTAC-53

Heap Dump


This heap dump is for 5 Users 1 instance 300+ holdings 30 minutes each, heap dump size before the fix was 448MB. This heap dump is referenced in the JIRA tickets below.



Below heap dump were taken during the test run for 5 Users 1 instance 300+ holdings 30 minutes. They did not reclaim much heap memory so there were no memory leaks for mod-inventory-storage. These heap dumps are referenced in the JIRA tickets below.



Recommended Improvements 

  • The following JIRAs were created as part of the testing effort:

MODRTAC-48 - Getting issue details... STATUS

EDGRTAC-33 - Getting issue details... STATUS

MODINVSTOR-614 - Getting issue details... STATUS

        EDGRTAC-34 - Getting issue details... STATUS

        MODAUD-39 - Getting issue details... STATUS

        MODRTAC-53 - Getting issue details... STATUS


RTAC - Real Time Availability Checking


See Attached rtac-test-report.xlsx for details 

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