Concorde - Definition of Done


A list of items that the team is already following


User Story

Sprint Review

FOLIO Release

Unit tests (backend: jUnit, RestAssured, frontend: BigTest) are written and are passing. At least 80% code coverage is expected and 100% is preferred for critical code. This requirement applies to new code only. Existing code coverage is gradually updated through catch up tasks


Sample and reference data is updated to match the feature or schema change (applicable to BE)


Any configuration and/or build scripts are updated and tested (Note: this refers to e.g Ansible roles and similar, usually requires a FOLIO task. Should be seldom once in-module data loading is implemented for all modules)Y

Interface version (for backend modules) and module implementation version (for backend (pom.xml) and UI (package.json)) is updated according to the versioning procedure: The fixVersion field in JIRA is updated to match the version that ships the feature/bugfix.

(Note: the guidelines are being extended and updated: FOLIO-1718)


Existing UI Regression tests ( are updated and pass on the local development machine


Peer code review is performed with at least one developer from the team that "owns" the module; code can be merged to master only when build passes and after peer approval


Build deployed successfully to folio-testing environment (test, integration etc.)


QA is performed and issues resolved: folio-testing. US is tested against acceptance criteria. Applicable for BE and FE stories

Feature is accepted by PO
- Move the story to “in Review” leaving Assignee field value as responsible developer and update Tester field value as PO who will review and move it to Done if acceptable


Migration script added in case of schema update (see


All demoable features are demoed from the same shared environment
Module releases are performed in case there are accepted user stories (see
FE user story is implementedaccording to accessability guidelines/checklist (