Definition of readiness (draft)

As development team we believe that US is ready for planning and development once following criteria are met:

Data Model is created/updated and approved (if the story requires changes to Data Model)

Sufficient BDD scenarios defined in the story

UI mockups are defined for all BDD scenarios (if applicable)

The story is testable

The story was reviewed on product backlog refinement session, was estimated and sufficiently sized to be done within 1 sprint

The story is prioritized by BA and PO to be taken into upcoming sprint

Non-functional requirements defined within the US (if any)

The upstream/downstream integration points (if any) are listed and ready for integration:

  • if not: the data model and service contract defined, allowing us to sufficiently mock the dependencies & still deliver a basic level of value with the story
  • subsequent stories have been raised to complete integration once the upstream dependencies are ready
  • dependencies and impacts are taken into account (if any)