Script to update tenant mapping rules to include mapping for Canceled LCCN


The CLI tool is designed to inject new mapping rules for “010$z“ Canceled LCCN. The CLI tool/script does not change existing mapping rules on the target host, but it only extends existing rules.

Script execution

CLI tool executable artifact for Ramsons:

java -jar folio-mapping-rules-update-ramsons.jar configuration.json

CLI tool/script requirements:

  • Java 17

In order to run the CLI tool you need the following:

  1. Create JSON file with configuration (see: configuration file)

  2. Open terminal (Mac OS or UNIX Systems) or Power shell (Windows) 

  3. Go to the folder where the CLI tool executable artifact is located

  4. Run the CLI tool/script with the configuration file path parameter (just file name if the script is located in the same folder)