2022-01-05 Forum Facilitators Meeting notes

2022-01-05 Forum Facilitators Meeting notes




Forum plans:


?:  Circulation


It has been a while since a review of the circulation apps was done and there are some exciting things happening.  Peter Murrayto ask the RA POs what they think about doing a demo now.

20200422: They will talk about it at one of their upcoming meetings now that they have restarted Zoom calls.

20200701: Peter to check in with RA and UM about demoing circ/users, since we haven't had this in a while.

?: Kiwi Release Overview


New Implementers, round 2

Rachel Fadlon to start working on.

  • How recent releases have impacted the decisions to go live.  Lessons learned by the library and the community, particularly about implementing with staff working remotely.  Also include discussions of how selection processes used non-RFP methods.
  • Representing different sizes, methods of implementing.
  • Self-implementing site and sites from the hosting organizations.
  • Five Colleges as a group implementation.
Review Idea Bank
  • John Hopkins "Databases" app from RM SIG. Not enough for a forum itself.  Maybe not enough for the only thing to include in a roadmap update.
  • "Notes" helper app demonstration.  Could be combined with something else.  Has come up recently with questions about how it works.
  • Update to the roadmap section of the website.
  • MARCcat update and demonstration.  Perhaps paired with recent announcement of National Library of Florence (BNCF) going live on FOLIO?
  • Report from the public library SIG.  Results of gap analysis for items that are specific to public libraries.
  • Collection analysis...cost-per-use wireframes.
  • Usage Statistics
  • Presentations could start to look at deployment, particularly in a hosted, non-hosted environment
  • Work to prep for migrations to FOLIO. Get implementation managers on a panel.
  • How FOLIO is impacting libraries now: view from Cornell – wait to reach out until we have better sense of implementation timelines; How are they viewing FOLIO from a strategic perspective
  • What is the international perspective on FOLIO? Can we get a panel of international sites (Australia, GVB) to give their perspectives? Plus, international update
  • Host a Forum in the Spanish language with roadmap discussion and demo, could be hosted by Lydia @ EBSCO, include UNAM development team. Rachel Fadlon to investigate.
  • Podcasting as a possibility to get developers to answer questions about the process, EBSCO has people who be able to edit
  • Panel of PO/SIG facilitator/developer together to discuss the full life cycle, moderated by product owner
  • Codex Revisited, based on the vision statement – including the entity formerly known as authority work.
  • Reverse RFP — Harry's document — if editing happens and it is updated.
Conference News

New Business

Action items


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