2024-07-10 Meeting notes

Meeting Time:    8 am ET /  2 pm CET / 1 pm UK

Meeting URLhttps://openlibraryfoundation.zoom.us/j/89145608254

Password needed: please see link.


Jul 10, 2024



 Discussion topics









General update




Development update

@Owen Stephens

  • workSourceId is being tested in GBV

  • Systems are getting upgraded to Poppy

  • Improvement of imported data from GOKb

  • Work is still being done on certain older and new errors in relation to identifiers in the local KB


Review ERM comparisons implementation

@Owen Stephens

ERM Comparisons review

ERM Comparisons

  •  Reasons for bringing up topic:

    • jobs get put in the same cue, therefore comparison jobs can take a lot longer than expected, due to other local KB jobs in the cue

    • Change to data ingest from external KB has impacted how Comparisons work, since they are run on data, which is already merged in the local KB

  • comparisons between packages from different data sources doesn't work properly


  • Comparisons App at the moment:

    • Overlap = they are exctly the same

    • Partial overlap =  can be quite vague, i.e. same title but different ISBN

    • No overlap = they are completely different


  • Use scenarios:

    • searching for titles (i.e. from an external data source like a spreadsheet) to get information on title availability, to make informed acquisition decisions

      • These use cases can get very complicated, especially when editions, coverage and/or platform availability comes into play

    • Comparison of updated packages with its older version, once an update was made

    • Comparisons of other agreements/license aspects, i.e. in what aspects does the agreement’s license differ from its predecessor?

      • Those comparisons might not be made in the Comparison App, but rather by using other methods


  • Other wishes:

    • Being able to compare more than to packages

    • Being able to compare packages against external data (i.e. spreadsheets)

    • Being able to better sort results

    • Being able to export results in other file formats (i.e. .csv .excel)

    • Being able to run multiple comparisons at the same time

    • Provide a link to the package title in the comparison report


  • Would it be useful to compare print items from the Inventory App with the Compariosn App?

    • Definitely




 Action items
