9. Delete MARC Authority
Delete MARC Authority + delete Inventory Authority
- JobDefinition (UUID, profile - defines job type: delete) for import created in mod-srm
- MARC file + JobDefinition ID are uploaded from WEB client to mod-data-import
- MARC records are packed into batches and put to Kafka queue DI_RAW_RECORDS_CHUNK_READ
- mod-srm reads batches from the queue, validates them and publishes DI_MARC_FOR_DELETE_RECEIVED event - since JobProfile contains an action for MARC_AUTHORITY delete, original records are not saved in mod-srs.
- mod-srs reads message from DI_MARC_FOR_DELETE_RECEIVED. Tries to find entity according to match criteria
- If found: exports result to DI_SRS_MARC_AUTHORITY_RECORD_MATCHED
- mod-srs receives match result and delete the MARC_AUTHRORITY record. And publishes result to DI_SRS_MARC_AUTHORITY_RECORD_DELETED
- mod-inventory reads message from DI_SRS_MARC_AUTHORITY_RECORD_DELETED, deletes the corresponding Authority, and export to DI_COMPLETE
- mod-srs receives match result and delete the MARC_AUTHRORITY record. And publishes result to DI_SRS_MARC_AUTHORITY_RECORD_DELETED
- If not found: DI_SRS_MARC_AUTHORITY_RECORD_NOT_MATCHED event is published