2023-12-12 - Consortia SIG Notes

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Noah Brubaker  Peter Sbrzesny  Bernd Oberknapp Elena OMalley  Joe  Margaret Youngberg Lloyd Chittenden  

Discussion items


Consortial Reporting NeedsAll

The following report entries were discussed and the table was updated.  Below are notes on any discussion which falls outside of the purpose, data required, and parameters (which occurred for each).

  • Items owned by other libraries currently housed at the home library (floating collections)
  • Overlap report
  • License terms analysis
  • Costs for consortially licensed packages
    • How do read & publish agreements fit into the report?
    • Answer : not well ; a new entry for R&P agreements was created
  • Usage for consortially licensed packages
    • Is the amount of data required to run this type of report too large to be practical?
    • Does cost/use fit into this report? 
      • Answer : no ; a new entry is added to the table
  • Configuration parameters report
  • System uptime report
    • Is this more fit with the vendor or 3rd party hosting FOLIO?
    • While important, this entry doesn't quite belong on this list and consensus agrees it should be removed
  • 3rd party integration status
  • Staff account status report
    • This report raises privacy concerns. 
      • For GDPR, collecting usernames create a privacy concern.
      • A note about privacy was added to the entry.
  • Patron status report
    • Similar privacy concerns as the staff account status report.
  • Fines/fees
    • Privacy concerns based on the data pulled.
    • Overlap concerns with patron status report.

Action items

  • None