2023-11-28 - Consortia SIG Notes

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Corrie Hutchinson (Unlicensed)Noah Brubaker  Bernd Oberknapp  Peter Böhm Peter Sbrzesny Margaret Youngberg Lloyd Chittenden Darsi Rueda Vivian Gould Adrienne Detwiler Stephanie Chinn Steve Strohl Christine Tobias Paul Moeller  Elena OMalley 

Discussion items

3Ann-Marie come speak to us?

She has offered to come talk to us about the ECS inventory work. Yes please! Corrie will schedule with her.

3ECS Bugfest

Did anyone from this group participate?  A few yes, but others claimed most of them.

50Reporting Needs SpreadsheetSIG

Consortial Reporting Needs

  • Need to update the most related Jira ticket, many on the spreadsheet are outdated
    • Corrie will take this on
  • Are we making a distinction between reports only being available from “central” consortia, vs each consortia member
    • probably could handle this with user permissions
  • Coordinated Collections
    • Retention commitments
      • filtering by current (effective?) location, filtering by library
    • Collection Analysis
      • ability to query on both instance and MARC data
      • ability to filter by both instance and MARC data
    • Max/min threshold 
      • MOBIUS might have a need, but this is hard to enforce
      • but this is good to at least know when you’ve hit the min
    • Overlap report
      • need to have something in the description to differentiate from the general “Collection Analysis” report?
    • Count of items retained
      • EAST/WEST included as a use case for this
    • Usage of retained items
      • Nice to have a separate report for this for ease of use, even if can do in the main Collection Analysis report

Action items