2021-04-09 - Consortia SIG Notes

2021-04-09 - Consortia SIG Notes

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Noah Brubaker

Rose Nelson


Steve Bischof

Paul Moeller

Peter Murray

Darsi Rueda


Elena OMalley

Jill Morris

Kelly Drake

Lloyd Chittenden

Martina Tumulla

Peter Sbrzesny



Discussion items


Product Council Updates

Roadmap Process:  https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/PC/FOLIO+Roadmap+Process

Inquire with sysops about implementation models/differences documentation

User Management: Permissions management

Note taker?

Additional Survey Responses Review

Survey Responses (4/7/21)

Review list and provide feedback, but seems to mostly align with the SIG's rankings.

We wish to get feedback from libraries outside of North America.

Steve Bischof - Five Colleges Implementation

Steve to discuss 5 Colleges implementation decision, experiences/updates, and functionality needed

Been a consortia for 50 years.

3 years ago were looking at what was next after Aleph

They wanted to cooperate more, so looked at the single tenant model. 

Want a shared patron file

Single bibliographic record for all.  Be more cooperative.

But want ERM separate

Live on ERM.  Some of the libraries used Coral.

Orgs, agreements, connected to HLM.

The crux of their model is shared inventory and patron management.

Shared Circulation

Needed acquisitions units.  They are testing how this will work.  Helping identify a model that might be needed in other areas of FOLIO.

They did not think about the vendor file.  Acq units does not apply there so they are using prefaces on the vendors.

Pushing off going live this summer.  They were worried about some of the Iris features.  A number of them were confident they could have run the library, but some were concerned about the non-consortia features such as search, bulk edits, etc.

Question:  Shared patron file.  Did 5C do that previous to FOLIO.  Yes.  Noah, we do that as well.

Noah, can certain fields of patron data be hidden.  No, not yet.  %C just stores basic data. No addresses for example.

On the success.  They are merging their records right now as they move from Aleph.  Dropping from 7 million records down to 5 million.  Performance seems pretty good.

Noah: Does each institution have their own ERM.  They all have their own HLM and KB which is tied to logins.

They do use some prefixes.  They can see each other's subscriptions.

Noah: Patrons can place holds on any item in any institution?  Yes.  They have given consistent rights to all users in FOLIO except for local patrons (walk ins).  They have limited rights to borrow only based on location.

 Can they see items across the 5 libraries and place holds?  Yes.  ***This is the unmediated cross borrowing that the group would like to see in multi-tenant.  This can be done natively in EDS.  There don't have an OPAC.

Where does that get recorded?  Who gets to record that transaction?  Service points work really well.  They report based on location.

Noah:  Acquisitions and budgets.  They are distinct for each institution.  One problem:  You could report on other library funds.  This will require cleaning up in the future.  Inconsistent with vendors.  The different account numbers per library are now handled with prefixes.

Are any the libraries maintain their own public catalog.  No.  They used a single shared public catalog on EDS.  Thinking about Vufind in the future.

How are they maintaining ILL across external consortia.  The same units exist and they expect to continue to used Rapid and NCIP.

Steve's top requests:

  1. We need to exercise acquisitions heavily
  2. Searching in inventory is a big issue.  They want to see Elastic search soon for the FOLIO inventory app.
  3. Bulk loading such as approval plans.  Not quite there yet.  GOBI direct is working.
  4. Exports to Discovery with OAI-PMH.

When you made the decision to go with the single tenant setup, was that based onAleph experience?  Yes.  And we wanted to collaborate more.  We have alot in common and many joint plans. A lot of copies of the same titles.  We wanted circ very integrated across the libraries.

Single / Multi Tenant Functionality & Questions

Consortium Test Machine / Configuration

Discuss / Questions / Proposal?

Bugfest for consortia features in FOLIO.

Can we have a test case for consortia?

Harry and Peter to secure data, determine cost estimate.  Harry to discuss with CC & PC to secure funding.

Action items

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