2020-12-04 - Consortia SIG Notes

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      • Draft vision document for an Open Source Bib Utility


Work on wordsmithing the bib utility vision document.  Discussion again of the two possible models of cataloging in a central system or a system that harvests records from local systems where the cataloging takes place.  The Model section is edited to include both options.  The system would harvest from libraries and allow for cataloging directly in the central utility to create it's database.

Discussion of when this vision document could be brought to the ICOLC steering committee.  They meet every week, but will probably skip Dec 21.  We could bring this to a meeting of the ICOLC steering committee in early January.

Lucy asks about FOLIO functionality.  She wants to know if there are plans for supporting multiple single sign on identity providers for a consortia operating on a single server.  They would require this if they were going to share a single tenant. 

Peter says there's a UXPROD for this idea, but it is not ranked very high.

Discussion items

Action items