2020-09-10 INN-Reach Integration Working Group Meeting Notes


Link to the recording:




  • Review of INN-Reach System and APIs

Discussion items

Brooks has started a spreadsheet to line out each API endpoint in INN-Reach and what needs to happen in FOLIO for each oneBrookshttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YHi1e3F43WBvP2LzCl2HnEAH7-t0TEs6RIvWKvFkrZQ/edit?usp=sharing


Brooks shared a link: /wiki/spaces/~mikhail.fokanov/pages/4358153 to a document describing INN-Reach architecture.

Pub/Sub is the mechanism that FOLIO is planning to use for the sort of messaging functionality that INN-Reach needs, but it is low priority for FOLIO.

We have to decide if we want to wait for Pub/Sub and push for it to be completed faster or implement Kafka faster and maybe have to change again later when Pub/Sub is ready.

Pub/Sub may be a year before it is ready to be used.

Consensus is to go with Kafka quickly even if it duplicates effort with Pub/Sub.

Discuss Visiting Patron functionality and Pick Up Anywhere functionality.

Brooks will let us know of the slack channel if there is anything other's can do to help the project.

Action items