2020-07-23 INN-Reach Integration Working Group Meeting Notes

2020-07-23 INN-Reach Integration Working Group Meeting Notes


Link to the recording:




  • Define requirements
  • Write stories

Discussion items


UXPROD Created (UXPROD-2598)

Data Export-related Functionality for contributing records to IR Central server.Brooks

Pg. 29-31 in D2IR API Documentation (v2.3) - Bibs

Pg. 27-29 in D2IR API Documentation (v2.3) - Items


Contributing Bib records:

  • Payload includes MARC21 data encoded in base64. We will need to be able to apply a transform to an existing SRS or Inventory record to generate this MARC data
    • No 9xx fields allowed
    • Strip local-only fields/data
    • Change 001 from FOLIO HRID to (eg.) OCLC number for matching purposes (need some clarity on this on the INN-Reach side)
  • Can we utilize the MARC creation/transformation functionality in Data Export for this? What would need to happen, if anything, to facilitate this?

We look at itemInfo properties.

  • agencyCode: has to map to 5 character code
  • itemCircStatus: must return one of these: Available/Not Available/On Loan/Non-Lendable
    • It is not clear where that would come from in FOLIO.  We don't know where it would pull that from Sierra.

Brooks can't make the meeting next Monday, so we will skip that and meet next on Thursday the 30th.

Action items

  • Brooks Travis Develop tracking document to identify and track D2IR APIs interactions with existing FOLIO Apps
  • Brooks Travis Create UXPROD for this feature

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