2020-07-16 INN-Reach Integration Working Group Meeting Notes


Link to notes on Google Doc:


Link to the recording:

Attendees (Please mark you own name on the Google Doc)


  • Introductions
  • Begin review of INN-Reach System and APIs

Discussion items

Overview of INN-Reach System and FunctionalityBrooks


  1. Begin Review of Required API Endpoints
    1. Possible roadblocks
      1. Managing virtual items in FOLIO
      2. Managing virtual patrons in FOLIO
      3. Need staff/discovery suppress for virtual records - Possible solution
      4. Instance level requests - When no item is immediately available to fulfill a request in INN-Reach, the system creates a title-level (instance-level) request associated with the patron, for display/management in Patron Empowerment. Eventual item-level requests would be created by INN-Reach when an item becomes available, so fulfillment logic support would not be necessary in FOLIO to support this particular class of title-level hold.
    2. How might virtual records work in folio?

Action items

  • Brooks Travis Develop tracking document to identify and track D2IR APIs interactions with existing FOLIO Apps
  • Brooks Travis Create UXPROD for this feature