PALNI (all reports can be done at the group level or individually)
- all checked out items - sounds like there maybe general interest
- group circulation event detail - updated daily; monthly report aggregates this to higher-level of who is borrowing from whom
- open holds - unfilled holds; has some functionality implications - important either way
- overdue items - how common is end-of-year reconciliation? some other use cases for this, considering doing away with the money part of this; for overdue items, what's the threshold?
- annual report - useful at consortium level and individual library level
- check JIRA for a ticket about sharing report templates David Dahl
- like to have
- turnaround times (for entire process and individual steps in the process); how long it stays on the
GALILEO - blocked borrowers/requesters; there's a combination of functionality and reporting need here
Other reports of interest
- who is checking in and checking out at other libraries
- expired hold shelf report - both for operational and analytical (i.e. how many holds have we put in the effort but the patron hasn't picked it up)
- expired holds - both operational (pick list) and analytical (percent of unfulfilled holds); might be some functionality implications (notices to patrons, passing on request to ILL, etc.)
- soon-to-be-expired holds report (or functionality) - need to be able to predict that a cross-tenant request won't be fulfilled by the stated deadline and reconcile that per the library's preference