2019-02-27 Consortia SIG Meeting Notes




Discussion items


 45min Data loading
    1. Patron loads – Does a central organization ever really load data for each library (beyond initial library setup)?  How ae the central loads kept up to date? How do you deal with the different student management systems? If direct connections to SMS, is this needed?
    2. Package management – State purchases, consortia purchases – Group configuration changes.  How is this tracked in a way that allows a central person to update this data?  Do the vendors you work with track any of this for you?
    3. Central cataloging, remote tenants.  Are these data transfers largely automatic these days?  If manual, how does this happen and how do you keep track of what data went where?
    4. Cross tenant fund management
  1. Configuration:
    1. Circ rules – If shared, do libraries still get the option to create their own in addition to the shared rules?  What about opening hours?  Does this apply to patron groupings as well?
    2. Fund structures
    3. SSO
    4. Anything else?
  2. ILL – UXPROD-795
    1. Reshare, since many libraries use library patron (dummy) record borrowing today, this implies Reshare focuses on moving physical materials within a group of libraries.  What is the scope of this. Collecting and prepping the items for shipment?  Wondering because FOLIO could handle dummy record borrowing today.
    2. Non group borrowing or vendor hosted ILL borrowing (OCLC, etc) – What integrations and features are required?  What do those workflows look like?
    3. How does a student pick up an item from any library they choose?  What is the process?  Review the GBV use case of town patrons borrowing from any library they choose.  What data moves between the libraries if any?  How is this configured?
  • Cross tenant fund management
    • might need to develop use cases / scenarios around this; possibly get Anne-Marie or Dennis involved
    • ConsortiaManager - David will work on coordinating a meeting for this

Next meeting

  • configuration topics?

Upcoming weeks

  • ReShare - getting feedback from the SIG on current thinking
  • ConsortiaManager demo/discussion (if vendor is interested)

Action items
