When a request note is triggered (for a book on hold shelf), if the date falls on a closed day, sometimes the date of the closed day appears on the notice. However, the correct date is displayed in FOLIO.
This issue also affects the Hold Slip, showing the wrong date.
Charlotte (in Chat) suggested this might be a bug.
Thomas Trutt (17:21): If this issue can be confirmed as a bug this week, it might be addressed during the upcoming Bugfest.
Action Items:
Magnus will conduct further testing in the Bugfest environment and file a bug report if necessary.
2. Olga – Course Reserves UI Issues
Problem Identified:
A small UI problem with the Course Reserves app could potentially be solved quickly.
David Bottorff (UChicago, 17:22): Inquired how many libraries are currently using the Course Reserves app.
Erin Weller: Confirmed that Michigan State is using the app.
Catherine Descanzo: Mentioned Stanford is also using it.
Charlotte: Suggested that ID (Innovation and Development) might take on this work, but noted it would require funding.
Action Items:
Charlotte (17:28): Stressed the importance of having UXPROD (User Experience Product) features written up in detail. This will help any development team assess the time required and determine if they have the bandwidth to take on the work.
Evaluation Needed: It was highlighted that an evaluation of the community need is necessary to understand the importance and demand for the app's improvement.
3. Course Reserves – Usability and Alternatives
Discussion Points:
Issues with FOLIO Reserves app:
Libraries such as UChicago and Cornell are not using the FOLIO Reserves app.
UChicago and Cornell are using Ares instead, and Cornell has also explored other products.
The main issue with FOLIO Reserves is usability (e.g., unlimited URLs, etc.).
Action Items:
Erin Weller mentioned that their Reserves staff have many complaints about the app and suggested another meeting to gather feedback on the issues and explore possible improvements.
If a clear understanding of the funding needs is established, Erin can approach administration to see if Michigan State could contribute funding.
Possible solutions: Explore potential integration with PC (Product Core) for further development.
Next Steps:
A temporary small group will be formed to write up features aimed at improving the Course Reserves app.
The group will reach out to interested institutions for feedback.
Backlog items written up by Kelly Drake will be reviewed as part of this process.
Magnus will test and potentially report the bug related to incorrect dates on hold notices.
A working group will be formed to evaluate the community need for improvements to the Course Reserves app and create detailed UXPROD feature descriptions.
Further discussions on the usability issues with the FOLIO Reserves app and potential solutions will continue.