
Discussion items

  1. Best way to collect information about FOLIO that Public Libraries would be interested in and showcasing that info in Confluence for easy access to prospective institutions.

  2. Best way to circulate PL-SIG feedback among other SIGs to see if traction can be made to address PL concerns.

  3. PubLIB SIG labels for JIRA

  4. Shared Google Drive - best way to get this.

  5. Spokane is experiencing a higher-than-anticipated number of missing items with broken TLR pages now that they went live. Suggest a Jira targeting this specific enhancement.

    Tested with page and hold allowed. You have two copies of a book, one checked out and one available (copy X). TLR results in page on copy X. When you look for the paged copy you can’t find it on the shelf. You mark copy X as missing/long missing/or something else.
    Expected result: Page is automatically transformed into a hold (or page on another copy if there would have been other available items). Alternatively, you can manually use “move the request” and change it to a hold when there are no items with status available.


  1. See next

  2. For both items, showcase issues and discuss using with Wiki here,  then follow-up with specific SIGs on areas of interest and action items.

  3. Use of JIRA tags
    ‘publib’ chosen! PubLib issue navigator - FOLIO Jira

  4. Doesn’t appear as though OLF has a Google share.

    1. Use the Wiki instead of having yet another repository.

  5. Ask Stephanie what her preferences are and create a linked Jira as necessary.

    1. Tag with: publib


 Other topics:

According to Breeding, only 10% of academic libraries and 17% of public libraries use an open-source ILS.

Follett School Solutions is the largest provider of technology products for school libraries in the US, supplying about three-quarters of school libraries with its Destiny ILS.

Spokane Public Schools (SPS) came from Follett Destiny to FOLIO with Spokane Public Library (SPL) as we’re in a consortia partnership. Right now, SPL represents SPS needs to the community – perhaps the future holds a place Public School SIGs?

Statistics on ILS implementation in public libraries by state can be found here:





For next meeting

Agenda Ideas:
Brainstorm the outline for “learning to swim” guide.


Topic 5.
FAQ on Wiki.

Action Items





Joseph A Molloy

Spokane Public Library


Tara Barnett

Index Data