Problem(s) to be solved

Libraries find it easier and/or more efficient to make batch updates to funds via file upload than doing such updates on a one-by-one basis. 

Requirements & use cases

RequirementStatusRollover-specific?PriorityUse cases
Library must be able to edit budget allocations for multiple budgets at one time


Administrator does not have allocation numbers for the new fiscal year at time of rollover. After rollover is completed the librarian needs to allocate money to all budgets in the new fiscal year. User downloads all budgets so they have a full picture of all funds on a particular ledger. Then updates numbers in spreadsheet and uploads all numbers to update values in Finances

Batch fund updates need to target specific FYs, not just current FY


Library may want to upload budget numbers for planned budgets for the coming year. This would require us to have the ability to choose what fiscal year we are adding the budget information to.

Note: not all libraries allow for this to happen (Eg. Library of Congress)

Changes in current allocations need to be tracked and logged


Mid fiscal year it is sometimes necessary to make updates to budget allocations. To do this we would export budgets and make changes to the necessary budgets. Uploading these changes would result in increases or decreases in allocation for the budget that were changed. 

Note: For most mid year adjustment the use of a spreadsheet could be overkill. Small changes/transfers are manageable on a fund by fund basis.

When changes are made to fund allocations, encumbrances and available balances need to be updated


Librarian 1 uploads a spreadsheet to update fund allocations near the end of the FY to allow for certain purchases to be made. Librarian 2 views fund information shortly thereafter to confirm available balances. Librarian 2 should see updated balances and transactions immediately (or as soon as is practical, based on load and processing time).
User must be able to review the result of allocation changes before committing them


User needs to confirm the change in allocation numbers will still add up correctly. Librarian will compare current budget numbers to the budget numbers after their changes before updating budgets permanently so they do not need to create additional transactions just to correct mistakes.

Often done even when updating manually. Reports are run as the allocation changes are being made in order to catch mistakes early.

User should be able to edit values from a downloaded CSV file and re-upload without changing columns, formats or labels


Librarian downloads all budgets in order to update funds on a particular ledger. Then the librarian updates the numbers in that spreadsheet and uploads all numbers to update values. (Download format and upload format match).
It is possible for a helper app to be written to retrieve fund total based on fund type

Fund totals for certain fund types are used by helper applications to create commitments in accounts payable system. The helper app (PL1 scripts) receives the total funding number and creates an "LQ" commitment in the AP system.

It would be great also if allocations could be done by percentages of an overall amount as well as specific dollar amounts. When uploading to have a specific total and make updates based on the percentage.


What is the desired process for handling update via CSV when it would result in overencumbrance/overexpenditure? Should account for both overexpenditure allowed and overexpenditure disallowed.

What is the desired process when there are other errors in the CSV (invalid fund, invalid FY, etc.)?

Are you doing this in voyager

No we are manually adding the money in all Funds and then making transfers to the following continuing resolutions.
How are "Bulk" funds actually committed in momentum

These are retrieved by PL scripts similar to how orders are retrieved. Commitments are created in momentum for the full value of the Fund.

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