

Ana Ugaz
Ann Crowley
Ann-Marie Breaux
Carol Sterenberg
Catherine Tuohy
Corrie Hutchinson
Dennis Bridges
Dung-Lan Chen
Dwayne Swigert
Emily Robertson
Heather McMillan
Jackie Magagnosc
Jean Pajerek
Jenna Lanterman
Joanna Cerro
Joe Reimers
Julie Brannon
Julie Stauffer
Kathleen Norton
Kimberly Pamplin
Kimberly Smith
Kimberly Wiljanen
Kristin Martin
Linh Chang
Lisa Smith
Mark Arnold
Martina Schildt
Martina Tumulla
Mary Moran
Masayo Uchiyama
Nancy Pelis
Nina Stellmann
Okay Okonkwo
Peter Breternitz
Peter Sbrzesny
Rhonda Fuhrmann
Sara Colglazier
Scott Perry
Steve Selleck
Sven Thomsen
Winter White


Discussion items

5minAgenda itemName
  • Review if any questions/thoughts regarding UIIN-2922 that was discussed last Tuesday (March 14)
  • Using the Acquisitions units feature in folio is restricting users ability to view records. 
  • Same thing happens in the ledger. It's possible to see the general calculated total, but some users may not be able to see all the funds. 
  • Ann-Marie Breaux 12:07 PM
    One thing to mention about acq units - in Orchid you will be able to import MARC Bibs to create orders. If your library uses acq units, then whoever is importing and creating orders must belong to any acq units whose orders they will be creating
  • Kristin: I think if you can't see all the data, you'd want to at lease know the data is there. 
  • Dennis: It seems a reason for hiding the order data was to make sure only the appropriate people see the cost information. Lets think about the use cases that justify hiding the purchase order. Maybe add functionality that allows the po to be viewed, but restricts the cost accordion. 
    • Lisa Smith, Mich State 12:13 PM
      That correct with us, Dennis.  We had non-disclosure agreements with many of our package purchases.
  • Ann-Marie: A use case she has come across (edge case) was an art museum that didn't want anyone to know ahead of time what would be in their upcoming exhibitions. So didn't want anyone else to see what was on order. 
  • Lisa Smith, Mich State 12:25 PM
    Our catalogers have acq permissions, so they can move orders to different instances as needed.
  • Dennis: After discussion, the only reason I am hearing is to restrict access to cost information.

Action items