

Meeting ID: 264 479 336

Passcode: folio-lsp 



Paul Moeller

Khalilah Gambrell

@Zoë McLaughlin

Huda Khan

Abby Baines

Agenda and Notes 

Jira Check-in 

Accessibility Dashboard 

  1. CU Boulder - Schedule  | 2021 Schedule 
    1. Testing has started. 
    2. Meeting with Acquisitions to discuss feedback
  2. Updates from MSU testing
  3. Looking for volunteers to help write test cases for testing. Similar to test rail cases or user acceptance testing but with a little more since often the testers are experts in assistive technology rather than FOLIO/ILS need to add some more details. 
  • MSU testing on ERM team for for date option filter (Thanks Zoë!) 
  • Still look for volunteers 
    • Test cases around workflows 
    • Can pick a workflow that you want to focus on 
    • Examples in the docs -  Schedule  | 2021 Schedule
  • MSU live with FOLIO and tested EDS with articles searching 
Keyboard Navigation 
  • Keyboard Navigation
  • Next steps: Owen, Gill, Khalilah, and John will propose keys to in app list and bring back to accessibility SIG to help validate 
  • Have been well received but nothing yet for Accessibility SIG to review 
  • Questions about the keyboard short cut modal should include copy/past/cut/find? 
    • Yes, people forget or don't know common shortcuts for 
Screen Readers 
  • Next steps: Khaliah will check in with EBSCO a11y PM regarding automated testing 

Wiki Update

Reported Issues

Accessibility of resources


  • How are people recording accessibility of materials? 
  • TAMU: We're using coral. Things are tagged and VPATS are stored with licenses 
  • CU-Boulder: Extensive testing
  • How does FOLIO handle this? 
  • Can we have a conversation with the ERM folks to discuss how to document accessibility of resources within FOLIO? 

Next Meeting Planning / Parking Lot
  • Meet with Julian to talk more about the stories that have been added recently

Parking lot