Looking for volunteers to help write test cases for testing. Similar to test rail cases or user acceptance testing but with a little more since often the testers are experts in assistive technology rather than FOLIO/ILS need to add some more details.
MSU testing on ERM team for for date option filter (Thanks Zoë!)
Does one meeting a month keep us moving in a way that is sufficient?
What is the role of the SIG in the community? Relationship between development and testing. Especially with new modules. What is the expectations of the community of the SIG?
What are implementers having issues with and what are others doing? Documentation of accessibility?
How is accessibility information about the resources built in into the system?
Line between usability and accessibility
User engagement
Overarching Goal: Make sure that other libraries are able to adopt FOLIO
What does an updated demo look like? (follow what Jane did and should show resolved issues)
There is a request from the PC to develop process for telling the story of how we are improving the accessibility within FOLIO. There was also interest in having another demo of accessibility within FOLIO.
Something to consider: report dashboard page for documenting evidence of improvement/testing
egerman and Khalilah will review the Assessment Approach section to expand upon our practices.
Documenting progress (explain what we did as a narrative and Abby can capture)