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Time | Item | Who | Notes |
5 min | Announcements | Name | TC Update on evaluation external code contributions (Tod Olson): The Tech Council spun off a working group to define acceptance criteria for external code contributions. That will take the form of a high-level values statement and a draft list of verifiable criteria supporting those values. We anticipate this statement and list will be ready by the end of the day 2021-09-03 and will be used to evaluate external contributions for inclusion in Kiwi. While we anticipate the list of values will be stable and final, we anticipate the need to substantially expand the list of supporting criteria in order to further refine, illustrate, and more precisely explain what contributions must do to align with the values. Together, the statement of values and list of criteria will provide both high-level expectations as well as clear and comprehensive guidelines for evaluating code contributions to FOLIO. Does the Product Council have a similar criteria-based process for determining which Apps would be desirable to include in FOLIO? Such a list would be useful to allow the TC to confirm that the proposed App does technically fulfill the expectations.
ACTION ITEM: PC will charge group to get these criteria together next week There is a new member-onboarding video covering how to use the Wiki and Issue Tracker: Thanks, Anne-Marie! |
20 min | Operational Tech Debt | SysOps SIG (Ingolf) | SysOps SIG has operational and technical debt concerns. Some of these are listed here There is one common thread among all of these issues, which is the need to reduce the manual processes and the complexity so that it is easier for people to contribute new modules/code to FOLIO and to help increase the ability to add features and/or changes to FOLIO without the need for large releases. Threads of problems (jroot ):
Stanfords issues (jpnelson ):
10 min | PC Agenda Setting | Discuss and decide how to best identify topics, prioritize, then set agendas for PC meetings Possibilities include: Continue an ExecPC group, work with all elected PC members, fully open on PC Slack, other possibilities... For a few years, there has been an ExecPC group—upcoming, current, and past chairs plus a few others—that gathered topics of interest from their own work and from suggestions from others. The Exec PC would help presenters focus their presentations for the PC meeting. The past few weeks, the elected-PC-only Slack channel has been used to gather topics and draft an agenda. Prior to PC Exec, the last part of the PC meeting would be used to form the new agenda—but this caused a lot of discussion with little information. Exec group was a clearinghouse set up to make this process more efficient and make PC meeting time more productive. TC and CC are not using exec-like structures to set agendas. Harry: if an exec-like structure continues to exist, the Slack channel should not be locked and the discussion process open; and the name "exec" needs to be changed. Philip: People need to know how to approach PC to get something on the agenda. There is value in what Exec does. Paula: Sometimes topics came to Exec that presenters thought should be private initially. Harry: CC is drafting guidelines on when closed channels in Slack are appropriate with the goal of making them rarer. Proposal: use the open Product Council Slack channel to bringing up topics and initial discussion; include in the description of the channel a description of a way to get a topic into PC without publicly posting it on the PC Slack channel. At a specified time (close-of-business Tuesday?), one of the chairs will pick from the available topics to form an agenda with the option for PC members to advocate for getting an item on the next agenda. (The agenda, once proposed by the chair, is open to be changed in discussion with the PC members.) A role for the secretary is to pull items from the Slack channel and put them on a list on the wiki. Brooks: reluctance to eliminating the closed channel. Kristin: a caution—this plan does disengage a group brainstorming about agenda items.
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30 min | FOLIO - Vision, Strategic Objectives and Initiatives |
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