

XSharon BeltaineCornell University
Peter MurrayIndex Data

Elizabeth BerneyDuke University
Erin NettifeeDuke University

Joyce ChapmanDuke University
Karen NewberyDuke University

Elizabeth EdwardsUniversity of ChicagoXTod OlsonUniversity of Chicago
XClaudius Herkt-JanuschekSUB Hamburg
Scott PerryUniversity of Chicago

Doreen HeroldLehigh University
Robert SassQulto

Anne L. HighsmithTexas A&MXSimona TabacaruTexas A&M

Vince BareauEBSCO
Mark VekslerEBSCO

Harry KaplanianEBSCO
Kevin WalkerThe University of Alabama

Ingolf Kusshbz
Charlotte WhittIndex Data

Lina LakhiaSOASX

Michael Winkler

XJoanne LearyCornell University
Uschi KluteGBV
XMichael PatrickThe University of AlabamaXHolly MistlebauerCornell University
XNassib NassarIndex Data

Guests: Joseph Zucca and Kate, UPenn Libraries

Discussion items

Assign Notetaker, Take Attendance, Review agendaSharon

Today's notetakers: Doreen Herold

Last week's notetaker: Anne Highsmith

MetriDocJoe Zucca

Joe Zucca and Kate from UPenn Libraries will provide an introduction to the University of Penn Libraries Metridoc Data Farm Project: Open Source Data Warehousing. See for more information.

Link Your "Yes-In App" ReportsAll


Important Notes to Reporting SIG members:

  • If your report is identified as a "Yes - In-App Report": Please drop a copy in the appropriate functional area folder in the Library Stats folder in the Reporting SIG Google Drive folder and link them to the "Link to Sample" column in the Reporting SIG Master Spreadsheet, if you haven' yet. It really helps Product Owners to have a report to view to understand what is needed for a given in app report.
  • Please keep track of all the reports you added to the spreadsheet as Product Owners may add questions and remarks to the spreadsheet.
  • If you do not agree with a certain report being identified as "No In-App report" please turn to Holly.
Topics for Future MeetingsAll

Review and update Topics for Future Reporting SIG Meetings

Other Topics?AllAny other topics to discuss today?

Action items