Poppy bug fest environment update will be triggered 2 times a day(based on the availability of new releases):
Note:- Poppy (R2 2023) Bugfest environment preparation plan
What | Who | When |
Add test cases for the Poppy release | Product Owners | October 6th, Friday |
Folio module releases | Dev Teams | October 13, Friday |
BugFest kick-off meeting | Testing Community | October 6th, Friday |
Claim test cases | Testing Community | October 9th, Monday - October 20th Friday |
Complete BugFest Poppy system | Kitfox DevOps Team | October 20, Friday |
Bug Fest | Testing Community Product Owners | October 23 - November 3rd, Friday |
Bug Fixing | Dev Teams | November 6th - November 10th |
Poppy (R2 2023) release becomes GA | Exec Team | November 20, Monday |
Bug Fest Poppy's test run contains test cases assigned to this Bug Fest. (Useful link: all test cases sorted by priority, then set filter to "Untested" to find unclaimed ones)
To include a test case in the Bug Fest test run - set the "Test Group" field to:
To remove the test case from the Bug Fest test run - set the "Test Group" field to:
View more detailed instructions in the Bugfix section of this page.
Status | Indicator | Who | Action |
Awaiting bugfix release | Indicates the item needs a bugfix/hotfix release to be created | PO | Confirmed an issue in folio-snapshot |
Awaiting bugfix deployment | Indicates release containing bug fix is ready to deploy to BugFest environment | Lead Maintainer | Creates a module patch release from one or more PR |
In bugfix review | Indicates the bug fix has been deployed to BugFest and is ready to test | Release Coordinator or QA Lead | Requests and verifies deployment of a module patch release to Bug Fest |
Closed | PO or tester | Verifies fix in Bug Fest |
Test cases that have Critical and High priority should be claimed first. Test Rail filter can be set to see test cases that have Critical or High priority.
Section is out of BugFest Scope |
Test Plan Sections | SME/PO | Team |
Acquisition Units | Dennis Bridges | Thunderjet |
Additional loan comments | Axel Dörrer | Gutenberg |
Agreements | Owen Stephens | Bienenvolk |
Bound-with | Charlotte Whitt | Sif |
Bulk-edit | Magda Zacharska | Firebird |
Calendar | Team Bama | |
Check in | Cheryl Malmborg | Vega |
Check out | Vega | |
Circulation → Loan Policies | Cheryl Malmborg | Vega |
Circulation → Loan Rules | Cheryl Malmborg | Vega |
Circulation → Rules | Cheryl Malmborg | Vega |
Circulation Log | Stephanie Buck | Volaris |
Course Reserves | Charlotte Whitt | Thor |
Dashboard | Owen Stephens | Bienenvolk |
Data Export | Magda Zacharska | Firebird |
Data Import | Khalilah Gambrell ( Data import - MARC authority) | Folijet Spitfire (Data import - MARC authority) |
eHoldings | Khalilah Gambrell | Spitfire |
ERM Comparison | Owen Stephens | Bienenvolk |
eUsage | Annika Schröer | Leipzig |
Export Manager | Magda Zacharska | Firebird |
Fast add | Prokopovych | |
Fees & Fines | Vega | |
Finance | Dennis Bridges | Thunderjet |
German Reminder Fees | Nina Morgenstern | Odin |
INN-Reach | Volaris | |
Inventory | Folijet | |
Inventory - Search | Spitfire | |
Inventory → Move Holdings and Items | Folijet | |
Inventory - Browse call numbers, Browse subjects, contributors | Spitfire | |
Invoices | Dennis Bridges | Thunderjet |
Licenses | Owen Stephens | Bienenvolk |
Lists | Corsair | |
Loans | Cheryl Malmborg | Vega |
Local KB | Owen Stephens | Bienenvolk |
MARC authority | Khalilah Gambrell | Spitfire |
MARC authority - Search | Khalilah Gambrell | Spitfire |
Notes | Khalilah Gambrell | Spitfire |
OAI-PMH | Magda Zacharska | Firebird |
Open Access | Owen Stephens | K-Int |
Orders | Dennis Bridges | Thunderjet |
Orders - Search | Dennis Bridges | Thunderjet |
Organizations | Dennis Bridges | Thunderjet |
Patron (edge) | Khalilah Gambrell | Vega |
Patron Notices | Julie Bickle | Volaris |
Permissions | For permission issues, please contact the SME/PO of the test plan section in question (e.g. I have a notices permission issue → Contact the PO for patron notices). | N/A |
quickMARC | Christine Schultz-Richert | Spitfire |
Receiving | Dennis Bridges | Thunderjet |
Remote storage | Volaris | |
Reporting (formerly known as LDP) | Corrie Hutchinson (Unlicensed) | Thor |
Requests (title and item level) | Vega | |
RTAC (edge) | Khalilah Gambrell | No team |
Settings > Data import | Folijet | |
Settings > Locations | Erin Nettifee | Bienenvolk |
Settings > Service points | Erin Nettifee | Bienenvolk |
SIP2 (out of scope) | - | - |
Staff slips | Julie Bickle | Vega |
Tags | Ann-Marie Breaux | Volaris |
Users | Volaris | |
Users - Patron Blocks | Vega | |
Users - Search | Volaris | |
Users - Custom Fields | Irina Pokhylets | Volaris |
App / PO | Details |
eholdings app (Khalilah Gambrell) |
Data import app (Ann-Marie Breaux and Ryan Taylor) |
MARC authorities (Khalilah) |
Lists app (Kathleen Moore) |
MARC cataloging / quickMARC (Khalilah Gambrell/Christine Schultz-Richert) | Please review Cataloging & Search Poppy Features - non ECS |
Call number browse by type (Christine Schultz-Richert) | Please review Cataloging & Search Poppy Features - non ECS |
Inventory Advanced search modal (Christine Schultz-Richert) | Please review Cataloging & Search Poppy Features - non ECS |