(blue star) Date

(blue star) Participants

Simeon Warner

Alexis Manheim

Craig McNally

Mike Gorrell

Kristin Martin


(blue star) Discussion topics






Simeon Warner

Again planning individual council meetings Friday morning, tri-council in the afternoon. What do we want to plan for the tri-council?

  • See last year’s notes: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/x/VJVb

  • Developer advocate role (contract up in October)

  • Update on app formalization, impacts on community

  • Understanding community feelings and desires (e.g. past “what could be better about FOLIO?” surveys, maybe something more specific, perhaps avoid some of the in-the-weeds topics, how to make the release process smoother, product quality & testing - PC planning to do CSP retrospective, looking at better sample data)

  • Global participation and timezone inclusiveness (PC and TC experiments)

  • Term limits and council participation

  • How can smaller libraries engage in the community? What barriers are there to membership (financial, time, etc.)

  • ACTION - Everyone ask their council for additional topics and input, finalized agenda at August 5 meeting

Developer advocate

Craig McNally with input from Jeremy Huff

How will the council chairs interact with Patrick after Jeremy moves off the TC?

  • Previous discussion had TC as the guide for developer advocate. Patrick does attend and give updates to TC

  • Would be ideal if Jeremy Huff serves as liaison to TC

    • ACTION - Craig McNally will reach out to Jeremy Huff wrt interacting with Patrick and serving as a PC/TC liaison - DONE - Jeremy has agreed to continue to work with Patrick and is willing to be the PC liaison to the TC

  • Current appointment ends in October

Next meeting

Currently scheduled for August 5

  • ACTION - Mike Gorrell to invite old and new chairs of all councils, consider rescheduling based on the combined group availability

    • CC will decide co-chairs July 22

Future topics

Planning for next Community Update

Simeon Warner

Last update was April 22 FOLIO Community Updates , next planned for Thursday Oct 24., 10am ET in the PC slot

Need to discuss in September!

Developer advocate role

Should we continue the role? Should it change in any way (duties/time/etc.)?

(blue star) Action items

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(blue star) Decisions

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