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Call for Help:  Create new community member onboarding 5-10 minute video5Khalilah/Peter

From Peter Murray on behalf of Forum Facilitators

The Forum Facilitators are putting together a series of videos that are meant to help onboard new members of the community.  Each video is intended to be a short introduction to a topic to help people get up to speed.  We thought you would be a good person to contact about a video on the software development process, and specifically these topics:

  • Product Development Lifecycle
    • Planning features for a release: Capacity planning process
    • Managing the backlog > PO/Scrum-master/Dev team: How FOLIO follows an agile software methodology—two-week sprints, sprint reviews after every two sprints.
    • PO/User validation: How developers use the hosted environments to demonstrate new functionality 

Slides > Zoom call 

Julie B. volunteer . Content Reviewers: (KG, Holly, Dennis, Darcy) 

Peter will provide a timeline. 

Julie will provide a draft by next PO meeting. 

Juniper release -Final new dev sprint

  • How are things? 
  • Have you identified at-risk features? 
  • What are your plans for Sprints 116-117?
  • Have you plan any UATs?
  • Vega = good shape addressing RMB and Karate
  • Folijet = change in direction >  automated testing 

Kiwi release planning 

  • Themes
  • How do you present your release themes/goals to your team?
  • Allocations
    • Are you allocating time for Iris and Juniper hotfixes?
  • When (which sprint) do you plan to begin Kiwi development?
  • What about community highly ranked features?