Attendees (please add your name):

Magda Zacharska (OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee Robert Scheier Amanda Ros Jennifer Eustis @Don Depoorter  Jackie Magagnosc Jennifer Eustis Lloyd Chittenden Thomas Trutt  Christine Tobias  Scott Perry@Kim Wiljanen

Note Taker:

Robert Scheier  

Meeting Recording:


Speedy recovery, Bob!


  • Please add your name to the attendees list
  • We are still looking for volunteers who could work on the bulk edit app for the documentation site
  • UAT - take 2 - planned for June 17-28.  Would that work for the group?  

Development updates

Are you sure? form: selected vs. affected recordsFollow-up (MODEXPW-134)
Deleting user records (UXPROD-3230)


  1. Soft vs. hard delete
  2. If soft delete, when should the purging occur 
  3. Are you sure? form required elements
Holdings locations bulk edits 


  1. Should we consider MFHDs as well?
  2. What are the possible undesired implications of changing locations
Bulk edit - high level roadmap
Permissions to Export Manager for accessing files with user records (UIBULKED-70)
Triggering Bulk Edit by CQL file (as in Data Export)