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Susan Kimball

David Bottorff

Cornelia Awenius


Thomas Trutt

Erin Weller

Magnus Andersson

Cheryl Malmborg

Tara Barnett

Claire Hoag

Elizabeth Chenette

Martina Tumulla

Christine Tobias


Jana Freytag

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WOLFCon-Session planning

Onboarding Meeting on the 29th February

Note taker: Christine Tobias

Session Planning Form for WOLFCon accepted through Monday, March 31, 2024. 

55MinPoppy release discussion


Show and tell and discussion on the new update

  • What works and what doesn't?
  • possible Work arounds
  • bring your questions and complain among collegues (smile)

Features we like to talk about:

  • Lists App
  • Actual Cost for Fees/fines
  • Title-Level Request
  • Patron notices
  • Request policies

None of us (on this call) are on Poppy yet. Only on test at this time.

Some Index Data libraries are live on Poppy.

CSP 2 release on March 1.

Five Colleges: Did not install Poppy on production server due to issues with ERM. Waiting for CSP 2.

U of Chicago: Not on production. Issues with Data Import, Metadata Mgt. Currently on test and testing Resource Access functions. Patron log-ins fail in test due to SSO issues.

Cornell: Waiting for fix with CSP 2 before putting in production. Data import is a mess! Data dashboards and ERM issues.

Poppy fixes bug with fee/fine owner. Created at in action table is supposed to display UUID, but service point displays instead. In migration, a new column is added to the action table hold the original Created at data. The actual Created at column will display the UUID.

LDP rebranded as Reports app.

Permissions view. Look up all users assigned a permission and assign/unassign to >1 user simultaneously.

Title level request fixed! Now pays attention to your circulation rules.

Discussion about using self-checkout kiosks and mobile apps.

Lists app: unable to query by loan type.

Meeting Notes