Julie's brainstorming for working sessions: _ Workshop: How can printing letters look like in FOLIO? _ FOLIO and Patron Communication - are there new trends that FOLIO should consider? _ FOLIO and Ressource Access - are there new trends that FOLIO should consider?
Meeting Notes
Tobi Hines (Cornell) has joined the SIG and introduced herself
Scenario 1: If pages are not allowed (by circ rule) and there is an available item on the record, the request fails. This is expected for item requests. What should happen for TLR?
Prevented reason needs to be returned via the Edge APIs
Brooks: “The edge apis already return the reason. The edge API should automatically handle this case by placing the hold.”
This would result in an “orphaned” TLR, which would need to be reported on somehow.
Resolution: the group agreed that the potential solution outlined in the slide deck seems correct: “The user gets a message that the request couldn’t be completed because of patron and circulation rules. After that message is cleared, we’d want to offer the same request as a hold. Interface could alert the operator and provide the option to create the request as a title-level hold, similar to what happens when you move an item-level page or hold to an item that has a status that doesn't allow the current request type (this would be similar to the mod-patron title-level request api behavior)”
Scenario 2: An item is checked out to Patron A with Patron B and Patron C in line. Patron A returns it which triggers the hold for patron B, but that hold is Open – Not Yet Filled because the item has to travel to their pickup point. If Patron B then cancels before it arrives for them, how does it get triggered for patron C?
If it’s a page Open – Not yet filled that is cancelled, nothing now happens to trigger the hold for the next patron.
Brooks: Item level pages change the item status back to "Available” when cancelled. I need to test how this behaves for item-level requests. because I can see the same issue there…
Laurence: Expired requests, don't think status changes.
Resolution: Potentially creates orphan request which needs to be addressed by workflows and reports on the library side until FOLIO addresses orphan requests. Needs documentation for how to address orphaned holds, but no current development
Jana led a discussion on Wolfcon sessions
Expressed support for Julie’s working session ideas in the agenda
Reviewed RA related sessions within the overall schedule
Sessions are scheduled in the European afternoon to facilitate US attendance
Potential to add sessions – please start a conversation in Slack! Will also have a follow-up conversation at an upcoming meeting.