A new Dev-Team from University of Alabama for the Calendar
Meeting Notes
1. Question (by Marie):
A question regarding the time in Circulation log. In Kiwi, Circulation log is one hour behind. (While the time is correctly displayed in item record and loan details.)I've seen several new jiras about time zones, but I haven't been able to figure out if this will fix circulation log as well.
Regarding the error messages: the notices may not have been send at all
2. Questions (by Beth):
Ellaborate on Issues with renewals (Chicago)
renewing via API applys a different notice policy
3. Question (by Thomas)
ILLiad-integrations via NCIP
batch process for cleaning data via tags
issues with titles not being staff supressed
expired patron
Not Allowing holds on items that are lost
three part Item status
You could use locations for that, too → Create a temporary location and assign it to the lost items
automated renewal
Long term solution: Batch editing group: batch editing circ data
Time zone issues with the locations regarding calendar
Service point level
User set local (time, language, ..) should be sticking to the calendar etc.