

Holly Mistlebauer

Monica Arnold

Annika Schröer

Cornelia Awenius

Brooks Travis

Andrea Loigman

Molly Driscoll

Kimie Kester

Cheryl Malmborg

David Bottorff

Andy Horbal

Rameka Barnes

Darcy Branchini

Cate Boerema (Deactivated)

Emma Boettcher

Joanne Leary

Donna Minor

Jana Freytag

Discussion Items

20minPreset options for Manual Patron BlocksApproval of mock-ups for setting up and using preset options for Manual Patron Blocks
  • Slide deck available here
  • Seeking approval for Leipzig to develop feature as presented in slide deck
20minRequest: Allow Override of Prevented Request TypeCate Boerema (Deactivated)Override when request is not allowed for patron/item combination: Brooks proposed and entered this UXPROD. Let's discuss: - What should this look like? - What does it mean to flag the request as an override for audit trail/reporting? Etc

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


Link to supporting materials


e.g. loans, fees/finesNamee.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019Clearly stated decision
  • Because...
  • Because...
e.g. mock-up, JIRA issue
Manual Patron Block TemplatesR1 2021?
  • RA SIG approved the mock-ups as shown in slide deck.
  • Make it more obvious that you can't enter 2 of the template fields (if possible, sticking with the norm for other templates).
Use templates if you want, but don't have to.Slide deck is here.

Annika Schröer will be PO working with the Leipzig Dev Team.  Will come back to the RA SIG with questions and to show result.

Request overridesTBD
  • Should be a popup like when overriding loan policy (but with comments only, no due date selector)
  • It should be possible to see that the request was created with override in the circ log along with the comments
  • Ideally, we could display a filtered view of the circ log right on the request record
  • If that's too difficult, we should have another way of displaying that the request was created through override and the override comment
  • Comment could possibly be added as a staff note
  • Definitely need separate override permission
  • When ppl are creating circ rules, they need to make sure that, if they are thinking about allowing recalls via override, that they set up a notice policy that would send a notice (o/w patron would not be notified)

Cate Boerema (Deactivated) will update the uxprod with more details based on this conversation

Meeting Notes (David Bottorff )

FOLIO RA SIG Meting Notes October 12

Guest: Annika  Schroder University of Leipzig joining Holly to discuss manual patron block templates