

Elizabeth Chenette

Joanne Leary

Andy Horbal

Elizabeth Chenette

Emma Boettcher

(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee

Cheryl Malmborg

Brooks Travis

Cate Boerema (Deactivated) 

Kimie Kester


David Bottorff

Kelly Drake

Laurence Mini

Mark Canney

Darcy Branchini

Molly Driscoll


Andrea Loigman

Jana Freytag

Discussion Items

2minAdministrivia From the PC:

The Reporting SIG is seeking a Test Data Developer for the LDP and an SQL Developer for Resource Access and User Management reports. Please see details on the Technical Skills in Demand page. 

15MinCirc logcirc log miscellaneous questions
15MinCalendar BehaviorUI issues
10Minlive libraries issues reportlive libraries issues report

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


Link to supporting materials


e.g. loans, fees/finesNamee.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019Clearly stated decision
  • Because...
  • Because...
e.g. mock-up, JIRA issue
Circ LogEmma Boettcher

Record due date when recording Aged to lost action
Linking policy (e.g., loan policy) is nice-to-have

Add # of open requests when recording aged to lost, marked as missing, claimed returned, declared lost

Pursue UI option to initially hide many items on one notice


1. Emma on remaining questions about circulation log

2. Brooks on Calendar UI issues

but dates are calculated properly
Cheryl: will try to reproduce, would be easier to fix if we redesign the entry mechanism to be more text-based
Cheryl will put some information together and share on the Slack channel to be discussed at a later meeting

3. Molly on live libraries issues (update from support SIG)
update on UICAL-110 (calendar crashing and opening hours not displaying at Chalmers): could be pinpointed to an entry that had an exception but no opening dates

4. Darcy on bug fixes for automated patron blocks
blocking criteria are checked at check-out, but currently existing possible block reasons (like existing fees/fines) are not picked up when implementing this feature
to set priority, who is live with Folio now and plans to use automated patron blocks with the Goldenrod release?
no from Simmons
no clear answer from Missouri State
yes for Lehigh (they went live today, congratulations!)

5. Jana will send out invites for upcoming meetings, and the ones sent out by Andrea will be cancelled