

Discussion Items

2minAdministrivia Andrea Loigman
30minUsersUser fields and RA needsUpdated user fields list
30minCirculation logEmma Boettcherto be con't Thursday if not completed.

Solicit feedback on circulation log wireframe, highest priority aspects

  • Wireframes (with user & item selected, with just user, and with just item)

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


Link to supporting materials


e.g. loans, fees/finesNamee.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019Clearly stated decision
  • Because...
  • Because...
e.g. mock-up, JIRA issue


Follow-up to discussion from 2020-6-11 meeting w / Maura Byrne & patty.wanninger  from User Management

User Fields spreadsheet:

key to color codes:

blue - supplied by system. already present
red - repeatable
green - no jira tickets yet
purple - have jira tickets

Patty brought up the need for the Email and Phone fields to be repeatable. Phone field should have an associated type, such as landline, mobile etc.

Should preferred pronouns be a part of user record, or can this be addressed using custom fields?

Want to be able to add custom fields where we want them in the record.

There is no limit on the number of custom fields that can be added – the limit of 15 custom fields is not (and never was?) true any longer. Given that there is no limit on the number of custom fields, there was agreement that custom fields can be an adequate substitute for statistical codes. Erin showed how custom fields could be implemented with controlled vocabulary and selected from a drop-down list. There was agreement that there needs to be a way to import custom field values from a file or application, as manually putting in the data is impractical. Thought also needs to be put in to ensuring that the data in custom fields is retained after anonymization.  The JIRA for statistical codes is UXPROD1400.

Patty suggested the RA SIG may want to provide examples as to how we might use custom fields. Andrea mentioned that custom fields are useful for more than just reporting purposes.

There is a Discuss for custom fields vs additional fields at

With regards to the question of limits to the number of departments, it was agreed that a limit of 10 departments per patron should be sufficient, and there should be no limit on the total number of departments. The departments associated with a given patron will display in a list, separated by commas. In reply to Andrea's question, Patty said that to extract data like "everyone who is in the Art Department and some other department" you would need to query the LDP, this type of data could not be extracted from the UI. This was deemed satisfactory.  

It is now possible to search by first name, last name. Issues still being worked on are SQL queries, truncation, and diacritical marks normalization.

Statistical codes are being implemented in Q4, so we have some weeks to think more about them.  Patty suggested we return to the topic of custom fields / statistical codes in a future meeting.

Emma  showed how the circulation history looks currently. It is possible to search by user and item, user (any items) or item (any users). You can also enter a date range. The keyword search searches in the description field, which can contain information such as the fee amount, etc. The search results can be filtered by Service Point, Type of Action (such as recall, changed due date, etc.). Operator information is not currently recorded - should it be? SIG members should look at the spreadsheet and bring any questions or desired features up on the meeting on Thursday, when  the topic will be further discussed.