Time: 7-8pm EDT (see https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20240321T230000&p1=179 for time conversion)
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Meeting ID: 958 0317 9014 (with the usual password)
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Mollie Coffey
Item | Presenter | Notes |
Meeting logistics |
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Wiki Space | Should we merge with this space? Also the Entity Management Working Group Spaces | |
Upcoming Bibframe editor module presentation | Doug & Gloria will join the Product Council meeting on April 4 at 10am US Eastern Time for an update on the linked data app in FOLIO, specifically what’s planned for Ramsons | |
WOLFCon ideas | Ideas for WOLFCon session and/or pre-conference workshop proposals Chris and Laura will submit a proposal for a 1/2 day pre-conference workshop | |
Review charge (if time) |
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