Data | Author | Comment |
| Raman Auramau | Added sequence diagram and steps-to-be-followed |
| Raman Auramau | Added more details after a talk with Yauheni Kuzmianok |
| Raman Auramau | Initial document |
This is a solution design document aimed to provide details, alternatives and decision for FOLIO cross-module access pattern.
Refer to and
for tracking.
Let's consider the following scenario: mod-orders-storage module needs to be populated with some data from mod_finance_storage module. A quick workaround implemented in migration script - - directly accesses mod_invoice_storage database tables.
This violates the module separation approach since the FOLIO architecture mandates that cross-module communication goes through HTTP APIs only. Also in some cases this workaround may fail running of migration script because some deployments use database ROLEs with access restricted to the current schema, so that mod-finance-storage doesn't have any permissions for mod_invoice_storage tables.
Currently there is no approach in FOLIO to address the described problem. The general idea is to move the cross-module migration code into some back-end module. Depending on this code location, one can consider these options as possible approaches:
In general, this option is based on handling data retrieving in Java code. E.g., in mod-finance-storage is to be extended - when upgrading mod-finance-storage
Note that migration process is applicable to *-storage modules only, so that migration logic cannot be implemented on upper level of business modules. Another benefit in this context is that all the migration is executed in the same database transaction which guarantees data consistency after migration completion.
Described flow is also visualized in the following sequence diagram:
The skeleton of this approach has been already created and available via
The following steps are to be followed:
private Future<Void> migration(TenantAttributes attributes, String migrationModule, Supplier<Future<Void>> supplier) { SemVer moduleTo = moduleVersionToSemVer(migrationModule); SemVer currentModuleVersion = moduleVersionToSemVer(attributes.getModuleFrom()); if (moduleTo.compareTo(currentModuleVersion) > 0){ return supplier.get(); } return Future.succeededFuture(); } private static SemVer moduleVersionToSemVer(String version) { try { return new SemVer(version); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { return new ModuleId(version).getSemVer(); } } |
return Future.succeededFuture() // migrationModule value it the same as fromModuleVersion from schema.json .compose(v -> migration(attributes, "mod-finance-storage-6.1.0", () -> customizeYourMigrationLogicHere(headers, vertxContext))) .compose(v -> migration(attributes, "mod-finance-storage-5.0.0", () -> customizeYourMigrationLogicHere(headers, vertxContext))) .compose(v -> Future.future(promise -> tl.perform(attributes, headers, vertx, promise))); |