Mriya Team

Antonov An-225 Mriya - Wikipedia (Ukrainian: Мрія, lit. 'dream' or 'inspiration')

Recent space activity

Meet the Team 

Useful Links

Yogesh KumarProduct Manager

Ostap VoitsekhovskyiLead Test Automation Engineer, Team LeadVega, Volaris, Corsair
Vadym YeremichevLead Test Automation Engineer, Chief AQA EngineerSpitfire

Tetiana ParanichTest Automation EngineerFolijet

Ihor BohdanTest Automation EngineerThunderjet

Sherzod KenjaevTest Automation EngineerSpitfire

Yauhen Viazau

Part-time Test Automation Engineer (50% of capacity)Eureka/Spitfire

Sviatlana Stsiapanava

Test Automation EngineerFirebird

Tetiana Gusar/ Oleg Kurdyayev starting 1-Jan-25Scrum Master

Leaves/Vacations calendar

PersonLeave Type Start dateEnd DateStatus
Sherzod Kenjaevvacation9-Sep20-Sep
Tetiana Paranichvacation21-Oct25-Oct
Yauhen ViazauvacationDec-23Jan-5
Vadym YeromichevvacationDec-20Dec-31

Ostap VoitsekhovskyivacationDec-18Jan-3
Ihor BohdanvacationDec-30Jan-3
Tetiana GusarvacationDec-26Jan-3
Sviatlana StsiapanavavacationJan-13Jan-17
Tetiana ParanichvacationJan-27Jan-31