The intention of this page is to document the acquisitions-specific release procedures, best practices, lessons learned, and other related information.
Description of feature freeze, code freeze, etc.
Additional Details TBD.
High level description of the steps required to perform a release.
Acquisitions-specific Steps - Refers to steps in the Community Release Guide linked above, but adds additional steps/sequencing for improved coordination and communication.
ui-modules: check that latest translations are in place (especially if you've changed existing values in en.json).
file (See Best Practices)<module name>-<release version>
, e.g. mod-orders-3.0.0
In order to satisfy dependencies at time of release, modules need to be released in a particular order.
Generally speaking the precedence looks like:
In some cases there are dependencies between business logic modules which require additional ordering.
TODO: add a dependency graph here showing the acquisitions modules and the interfaces they depend on.
mvn -DautoVersionSubmodules=true release:clean release:prepare -Darguments="-Dmaven.test.skip=true -DskipTests"
General best practices - How to structure your NEWS file, what to name your release branches, tags, etc.
You may want to separate stories and bugs into separate lists
## 4.0.0 - Unreleased ## 3.0.0 - Released The primary focus of this release was to implement backend logic necessary for ui-orders to manage purchase orders and purchase order lines, integration between orders and inventory apps and preparation for the receiving flows. [Full Changelog]( ### Stories * [MODORDERS-154]( - PO Line's `location` property is changed to `locations` i.e. from single object to array of objects * [MODORDERS-149]( - Add PO Line's identifier to item record in the inventory * [MODORDERS-148]( - Populate PO `dateOrdered` field field when Order is opened * [MODORDERS-146]( - Return application/json (error.json schema) for all errors * [MODORDERS-142]( - Implemented `GET /orders/order-lines` endpoint * [MODORDERS-134]( - Assign PO Line's id to its sub-objects * [MODORDERS-129]( - PO Lines: share status of corresponding PO * [MODORDERS-126]( - Implemented `GET /orders/composite-orders` endpoint * [MODORDERS-124]( - Redefined existing order/lines endpoints * [MODORDERS-121]( - Create Instance Record in inventory when Order's status is changed to `Open` * [MODORDERS-117]( - Business Logic: handle `Create Item` flag for e-Resources * [MODORDERS-105]( - Implemented `GET /orders/receiving-history` endpoint * [MODORDERS-100]( - Create Piece Records in Orders Storage for items quantity ordered on Order Placement * [MODORDERS-99]( - Purchase Order Limit: Set system default to 1 * [MODORDERS-96]( - Supporting PO number prefix and suffix * [MODORDERS-93]( - Assign system generated PO Line number when creating a new PO line * [MODORDERS-87]( - Implemented `GET /orders/po-number` endpoint * [MODORDERS-72]( - Define receiving endpoints: `/orders/receive`, `/orders/check-in` and `/orders/receiving-history` * [MODORDERS-67]( - Create Item Record in inventory for physical/electronic items quantity * [MODORDERS-66]( - Create Holding Record in inventory for titles ordered that are not currently represented in inventory by a Holding ### Bug Fixes * [MODORDERS-153]( - PO Line's id is absent from sub-objects in response when creating new PO Line * [MODORDERS-145]( - Unable to create new Purchase Order with PO Line |
<JIRA number> - Release #.#.#
MODORDERS-131 - Release 2.0.0
A place to document pitfalls, gotchas, lessons learned in order to help others from repeating the same mistakes etc.
A place to list open issues for tracking purposes, or ask questions for gathering feedback/comments.