It sounds like you are planning to use multiple knowledge bases (why) ?
You say that you want to implement 6 modules at first : User Management, Circulation, Inventory; Discovery (VuFind), Platform Management, APIs. When are you planning to use ERM ?
User Synchronisation via OAuth (why OAuth vs. SAML)
APIs: OpenAPIs (Which OpenAPIs do you plan to develop ?)
A Platform Managemt App (= Consortium App ?) for Shanghai Libraries = a consortium of 400 libraries (interesting plan)
Consortium functions: Can you explain more about what you plan to develop / have ?
Net borrowing: Does this relate to ILL borrowing functions ? Is this designed to be cross-library (cross-tenant) ?
developing SIP2-CN module supporting multi-tenancy, independent permission control etc. (great!)
Folio to accomodate the RDF format for linked data → I (for the hbz) would greatly appreciate that !
Question / comments from Ingolf after having read Projects :
Elasticsearch. Just a general question: What is the use case of having ES in Folio, which will "only" be used by librarians ? (it is clear that we need a search engine for the discovery)
Cornell is live with ERM. Cornell was self-hosting at first and is now hosting with AWS and EBSCO as partner. They are using the EBSCO Knowledge base.
Self-hosting is not recommended for single libraries (unless very large ones); it should be done by a consortium.
In Germany, Leipzig and GBV are self-hosting.
TAMU is self-hosting. It takes a team of about 5-6 people (of IT staff) to self-host.
We will be inerested in how Shanghai Library plans to host such a large library consortium. We are interested in details of their implementation plans.
We are interested in reporting solutions for the Folio implementation.