Release vs. Fix Version: POs use both, it's a bit inconsistent.
Looking at two dashboards: By App and By Release. Khalilah preferred the "by release" version, we're not sure which is the best.
How much maintenance would it take to keep these up? Right now, not sure how to move from release to release without it being manual.
Maybe each SIG could redo their roadmap with new releases - would need a map between the apps and the SIG roadmaps
Would probably need more training/use of Jira to make this possible - power users of Jira
POs do indicate their features scoped for each release by the calendar, maybe we can tie this in.
Could update three times a year: include Jira and free text versions of what will be worked on
Release Planning Team (e.g., Poppy (R2 2023) - there is a deadline of May 29 for Quesnalia, that's when the roadmap could be updated
Idea: each PC member could have a connection with making sure that various steps for Roadmap updating happen three times a year. E.g., liaison to SIG, PO (whatever development teams are working with the SIGs) to make the Roadmap stay current