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 Note takerJohn Ballestro 
5 min


  • Workflow review
  • Stacks
  • Next meeting - 9/1

We won’t meet on 8/25, next meeting is 9/1.

Filip – needs some volunteers who understands the real life practices and transfer that into the workflow app, how tasks are assigned, etc.  Needs about 1-2 hours set up next week to set up those examples and work through them.  Virginia volunteered for journal/serials workflows. Filip will send out a call through email to get other volunteers.

55 minResults of v1 survey


Harry sent out the survey for priorities of post v1 to librarires that were listed on the RM SIG list, ten in all.    Received responses from all but one and they have promised to respond.

One library wrote an email instead of responding to survey.   Two others responded to just the features needed to migrate.  

Q1 Storing admin details/managing contacts/notes/sub renewals were the top critical features libraries voted as being most important to them. 

Q2 Required for migration – manage contact list/simple notes/storing admin details were the top three.

Q3 – Fiscal year end/EDI/Item check in/Export search results from FOLIO rose to the top.

Q4 - Required for migration – fiscal year end/support EDI/item check in.

There were issues not understanding what some options meant in terms of work in Acq. Some libraries wrote in comment section if the option meant "A" they would rank it "X", but if it meant "B", they would rank it "Y".

Philosophy was different from library to library as to how they ranked.  Some ranked features as if they were migrating both ERM and ILS, some ranked items lower because the library can or already are performing those functions outside the ILS.

Harry will send the data to Kristen Wilson next week after he has received the answers from the 10th library.  Kristen will then put them on Google docs.  

Harry would like to go back to the items below the line and re-prioritize that list.  Need to have a discussion on workflow management in detail.  Not taking anything off the table but how to delve deeper into the top needs and guide the programming.

Suggestion to post a link to the survey on Discuss and invite feedback from other SIGs and those who can’t make it to the RM SIG meetings.

Suggestion for future surveys to link out to the workflow spreadsheet that has more description and reminds people what will and will not be in V1.

Important for Stax to be aware of how these were prioritized and hearing the reasons behind the ranking. The subgroup for renewals and ordering (Harry, Ann-Marie, Anne, John B., and Stacks members) will discuss this with Kevin and Leah regarding the road map for these next priorities and how to incorporate them into their own internal planning.

Next steps – Harry will receive the rankings from the tenth library, incorporating their responses; prioritizing the top 3-4 needs for post v1 and developing a path to start discussing and hashing out the details of how to start programming those workflows. Will send final product to Kristen W. to put on Google Docs

View full survey results here.



Action items
